Stonehenge Introduction {Two}

{1} The Sarsen Circle Outer Diameter 104.2724571428 …Feet is the Greek Cubit of 1.52064 x 68.571428… this multiplied by 8.448 = 579.29142857… the Egyptian Stade {Geographic} the 8.448 is 6.111… x 1.3824 the Sacred Foot {Canonical} the 6.111… x 864 = 5280 the Modern-day Mile The Persian Cubit {Canonical} is 21.12, the highlighted 8.448 increased to 8448 is 2112 plus 6336 the Greek Furlong is 633.6

Or 579.29142857… is 555.555… x 1.042724571428… the Royal Athenian {Geographic} likewise, obviously the Stonehenge: 104.2724571428… decreased The 555.555… is the {1} 6.111… x 90.9090… this is the Sumerian Reciprocal of: 1.0909… x 83.333… this multiplied by 58.08 = 4840 the Square Yards in one Acre and 58.08 is 55 x 1.056 the “Sumerian” Foot

{2} The 1.042724571428… multiplied by 65.761784511… regains the [1] 68.571428… which is the Schooldays Pi {22:7} of 3.142857 …x 21.8181, this is the Egyptian Cubit of 1.71818… x 12.698412… this is 10 x 1.269841… which is the GP {Great Pyramid of Giza} Tan of 480 ÷ 378 = 1.269841…

{3} The {2} 65.761784511… x 1188 = 78,125, this is the Maya Synodic period of Venus: 584 x 133.77568493… which is the Stonehenge Outer Circle Diameter of 104.2724571428… ÷ 0.7794574716…this is one seventh of exactly 5.45620230144, this a reduced Greek Mile {5068.8} of 5.0688 x 1.0764288 this is the Arabian Hashimi Foot of 1.064448 x 1.0112554 this multiplied by 99 = 100.1142857… which is the Egyptian “Royal Cubit” of 1.714285… x 58.4 the Maya Synodic period of Venus {584} albeit reduced

{4} The 1.714285… x 369.6 = 633.6 the Greek Furlong, the 369.6 is 0.07 x 5280 the Modern-day Mile, or the NC {Numerical Canon} Earth to Sun of 93,312,000 Miles is 369.6 x 252467.532467… this multiplied by 69.3 = 17,496,000 which is 2,000 x 8748 the 34th PWS member is 8748

The 69.3 x 628.571428… = 43,560, the amount of Square Feet in one Acre., the 628.571428… x 33177.6 = 20854491.428571… which is the NC Earth Polar Radius which is the Stonehenge: 104.2724571428… x 200,000. The Roman Cubit of 1.4598144 increased to 145981440 is 7 x 20854491.428571…The 33177.6 is the Roman Mile of 4866.048 x 6.8181… {3 ÷ 0.44} and 6.8181… minus the Roman Foot {Standard} of 0.9621818… = 5.856 this is 5.0688 plus 0.7872 and this minus 0.576 = 0.2112 obviously there are more options regarding the 6.8181…, the Persian Cubit {Canonical} is 21.12

{5} The Ring of Brogar perimeter is: 1071.428571…Feet this is the prior 628.571428…. x 1.704545… that is 1.777… x 0.9588068181… this multiplied by 1.00352 = 0.9621818… the Roman Foot {Standard} the 1.777… is the Square Root of the Rhind Papyrus fraction {256:81} of 3.160493827…The Stonehenge Sarsen Inner Circle Diameter of 97.32096 is the 1.00352 x 96.9795918367…that multiplied by Gem {Gem} Founder of the City: 1225 = 118,800 the highlighted 1836 is Gem Divine Circle: 1224 x 1.5 {Please see the 118,800 above and below}

All these distinct Units of Measure employed via separate civilisations in various time periods all emerged because of the simple calculation of: The Stonehenge Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter is 729.9072 ÷ 7 = 104.2724571428… Feet. Likewise, the Units of Measure I employed are by no means the sole options, given that all are flawlessly interconnected, a few additional examples follow. Once a cyclic pattern emerges of 1818, or 0909, or 142857, or 3636 etc, etc, the proverbial floodgates of “number” open with naught impeding, I reason it best at this point to indicate the Stonehenge: 729.9072 interconnection to various Units of Measure employed via various civilizations over a various time-periods.

{A} 104.2724571428 …is the Roman Cubit of: 1.4598144 x 71.428571… that multiplied by 15 = 1071.428571… this is the Ring of Brogar perimeter

{B} 104.2724571428… is the Shorter Value Roman Cubit of 1.45152 x 71.8367346938… that multiplied by Gem Founder of the City: 1225 = 88000

{C} 104.2724571428… is the Shorter Value Greek Cubit of 1.512 x 68.96326530612244… that multiplied by Gem Founder of the City: 1225 = 84,480 this is 80,000 x 1.056 the “Sumerian” Foot The 68.96326530612244… x 1.40625 = 96.97959183673…as above in {5} and the 1.40625 x 84,480 = 118,800

{D} 104.2724571428… is the Longer value Egyptian Foot 1.152 x 90.5142857… the distance from Stonehenge to the old Church at Glastonbury Abbey is 204,120 Feet which is this 90.5142857… x 2255.113636… this multiplied by 14,080 = 31,752,000 which is the Platonic Precession Cycle of 25,920 x 1225 the 14,080 is 2,000 x 7.04 the Stonehenge Lintel Ring measurement

Or the Lundy Island Triangle short side of 108.61714285… Feet is 1.2 x 90.5142857… and the 108.61714285… is the {C} 68.96326530612244…x 1.575 this is the GP ratio 756 ÷ 480.

Likewise, I will indicate more interconnections towards the end of, and throughout the entire essay The Great Pyramid of Giza denoted as GP likewise Gems denoted as Gem Within this website I indicate a unit of measure that readily falls into place with a host of different units of measure, namely 29.5612416 this is FP x 5.31441 x 5.28 the FP is the Musical Scale: Pythagorean Limma {256:243 } the 5.31441 is a reduced component of the Comma of Pythagoras: 531,441 ÷ 524,288 The Roman Cubit of 1.4598144 increased to 14,5981,440 ÷ 7 = 20854491.428571… this multiplied by 2 x Pi ÷ 5280 = 24816.786767… a tolerable Earth Polar Circumference {Miles}

The Schooldays Pi {22:7} of 3.142857… obtains: 145,981,440 ÷ 7 = 20854491.428571… this multiplied by 2 x 3.142857… ÷ 5280 = 24826.77551… a tolerable Earth Polar Circumference {Miles} However, 20854491.428571… ÷ 29.5612416 ÷ Pi ÷ 9.018 = 24901.00232095406… a tolerable Earth Equatorial Circumference, whereas Phi x 15.390 = 24901.54308686…The NC Earth to Moon distance is 237.600 Miles, the GP base perimeter is 3024 The employed 9.018 minus 3.024 twice obtains: 2.97, which multiplied by 80,000 = 237,600, the 24901.00232095406…multiplied by 5280 ÷ 360,000 = 365.214700707…a fairly tolerable Earth Year

The NC Moon Diameter is 11,404,800 Feet, the 29.5612416 divided by a reduced Platonic Year {25,920} of 2.592 = 11.4048 the 29.5612416 x 12345.679012345= 364953.6 Feet and 12345.679012345x 81 = 1,000,000 The GP base area is 571,536, the Gem Founder of the City 1225 x 20854491.428571…÷ 571,536 = 44698.412698…. this is 35,200 x 1.269841… which is the GP Tan: 480 ÷ 378, the 35,200 is, for example, 6.666… Miles of 5280, the Square Feet in One Acre: 43,560 ÷ 6.666… = 6534 and this minus 3456 = 2178 this is twice 1089, this we will observe afterwards

The 20854491.428571… ÷ 200,000 = 104.2724571428…  the Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter: and 104.2724571428… x 109,375 = 11,404,800 the Moon. The 104.2724571428… x 7 = 729.9072 As indicated earlier, at 50˚ Latitude one degree is 364953.6 Feet the Stonehenge: 729.9072 x 500 = 364953.6 since 360˚ x 364953.6 = 131,383,296 Feet, this is the NC mean Earth Circumference {24883.2 x 5280} consequently the 104.2724571428 x 1,260,000 = 131,383,296 The 109,375 multiplied by the Yards in one Mile: 1760 = 192,500,000 Gem Simon Peter is 1925 the Roman furlong is 608.256, therefore the 20854491.428571… x 2 x 3.142857… = 131085374.693877… which is 5280 x 24826.77551020408…this multiplied by 1225 = 30,412,800, this is 50,000 x 608.256

The GP base perimeter of 3024 ÷ 104.2724571428… = 29.000946969…,via dividing the British Admiralty Nautical Mile of 6080 Feet by 1881 we will obtain 3.2323… that multiplied by exactly 8.97216796875 will regain the 29.000946969… The 8.97216796875 x 32.768 = 294, Gem Church, hence 8.97216796875 will obtain Gem {Gems} 882 {City of god} 1176 {Only begotten Son} likewise the GP base perimeter of 3024 ÷ 8.97216796875 = 337.042285714… this is the Stonehenge 104.272457142… x 3.2323

The 32.768 pertains to, amongst several options, the musical scales given that is the FP {Pythagorean Limma: 256:243} multiplied by 31.104 which is 25.92 x 1.2 Or else the 109,375 divided by Gem Founder of the City: 1225 = 89.285714… this divided by the Schooldays Pi {22 ÷ 7} of 3.142857… = 28.40909… this divided by the Egyptian Foot of 1.14545… = 24.8015873… that multiplied by 4.032 = 100

Or the 32.768 x 243 = 7962.624 this multiplied by 3.142857… = 25025.389714285… that minus the NC Earth mean of 24883.2 = 142.189714285… this being 1.3636 …x 104.2724571428 …the Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter The 1.3636… x 11 = 15 or 1.3636… is 1.2 x 1.13636… which is the Egyptian to Greek conversion Unit. The 7962.624 is 2.0089285714… x 3963.61728 the 2.0089285714… x 4.48 = 9 and 4.48 x 675 = 3024 the GP base perimeter or the 2.0089285714… x 51.904512 = 104.2724571428 …the Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter The 51.904512 is the 32.768 x 1.584 this multiplied by 2000 = 3168 this is Gem Lord Jesus Christ, or else the Mile of 5280 is 1.584 x 3333.333… one third of 10,000,


The Sarsen Inner Circle Diameter of 97.32096.Feet, multiplied by 40.7272… = 3963.61728 exactly as prior, which is a tolerable Earth radius, likewise 3963.61728 multiplied by the Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard: 46,656 = 184,926,527.81568 this divided by the  Outer Circle Diameter: 104.2724571428… = 1773493.52727…The 40.7272is the GP base perimeter of 3024 ÷ 74.25 this multiplied by 3,200 = 237,600 the NC Earth to Moon distance,  the NC Earth to Sun distance 93,312,000 is the 74.25 x 1256727.2727… this is the 40.7272… x 30857.142857 …one seventh of 216,000, ample scope, these “numbers” influence many Units of Measure due to the cyclic 27 and the cyclic 142857 This 1773493.52727… divided by the NC {Numerical Canon} Earth radius of: 20,901,888 = 0.08484 that multiplied by the furlong of 660 = 56 pertaining to the Stonehenge Aubrey Holes

Hence the NC Earth Polar Radius of 20854491.428571… Feet divided by 5280 ÷ 56 = 70.5306122448…that multiplied by Gem Founder of the City: 1225 = 86,400 the seconds in 24 hours or 86,400 is the NC Sun Diameter reduced. Subsequently 360 degrees divided by 56 = 6.428571… that multiplied by 4.59364715444… = 29.53058885 exactly, a tolerable Synodic Month The employed 4.59364715444… x 79.51 = 365.2408852….a tolerable Earth year, this “year” of 365.2408852… x 360,000 ÷ 5280 = 24902.7876306… a tolerable Earth Equatorial Circumference, the 79.51 plus 0.49 = 80 along with the 0.49 x 2500 = 1225, Gem Founder of the City

The Sarsen Outer Circle area being, 104.2724571428 …÷ 2 = 52.1362285714…In that case 52.1362285714… x 52.1362285714 …x 3.142857… = 8542.87132176…area, this 8542.87132176… x 534,003.127072492… = 4561,920,000 this, via the instructions of Plato, is the Atlantis area {minus the Central Shrine} The GP {Great Pyramid of Giza} base area is: 756 x 756 = 571,536,Square Feet that divided by the 534003.127072…= 1.070285867300571428… which is the Schooldays Pi {22:7} of  3.142857… x 0.340545503232 that multiplied by 306.19243582…= 104.2724571428

The Square Feet in one Acre: 43,560 ÷ 306.19243582… = 142.2634752 this divided by the longer value Greek Foot of 1.01376 = 140.3325 that divided by the Arabian Hashimi Foot of: 1.064448 = 131.8359375 that multiplied by 8.192 = 1080, the lunar, Yin-Yang number, the 33rd PWS member is 8192

{A} the Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter 104.2724571428… divided by the prior unit of 29.5612416 = 3.52733686… that multiplied by 1723.68 = 6080, the Sea Mile, or the 3.52733686…divided by the 3.2323… {6080 ÷ 1881} = 1.09126984

{B} The Eye of Horus fraction as {63 ÷ 64} of 0.984375 ÷ 1.09126984… = 0.90204545… this involves the GP Tan {480 ÷ 378} of 1.269841… given that 0.90204545… x 1.269841… = 1.14545 …which is the Egyptian Foot that multiplied by 330 = 378 one eighth of 3024 the GP base perimeter Otherwise 1.269841… ÷ 1.09126984… ÷ 0.984375 = 1.14545…the Egyptian Foot. I normally employ The Eye of Horus fraction as: 64 ÷ 63 = 1.015873… that multiplied by 1.25 = 1.269841… the GP Tan {480 ÷ 378} The 0.984375 x 64 = 63

{C} Or else the {A} 1723.68 ÷ 1.09126984… ÷ 0.984375 = 1604.58938181… this is the Egyptian Cubit of 1.71818 …x 933.888 exactly, moreover this divided by the Inner Circle Diameter of: 97.32096 = 9.5959… which is the {A} 3.2323…{6080 ÷ 1881} multiplied by exactly 2.96875 that multiplied by 6.4 = 19. This is a prime number pertaining to the Metonic cycle; likewise, Gem {Gem} Eve is 19 and 19 x 99 = 1881

{D} the Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter of 104.2724571428… x 3.142857… x 3.5 = 1146.9970285714… the GP base area of  571,536 ÷ 1146.9970285714 …= 498.2889979… This multiplied by 6.0687673469… = 3024, the GP base perimeter {756 x 4} the 1146.9970285714… ÷ 3.142857… x 360,000 ÷ 5280 = 24883.2 which is the NC Earth mean Circumference…

Gem Divine Circle: 1224, Gem Founder of the City: 1225

{E} the {D} 6.0687673469… x 1225 x 1224 = 9,099,509.76, this is the 24883.2 x 365.6888 …that multiplied by the Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter of 104.2724571428…Feet obtains  38131.2789942… this is the Square Feet in One Acre: 43,560 x 0.87537371…that multiplied by 3.10724431818 …= 2.72, which is the Alexander Thom Megalithic Yard

The 3.10724431818 …divided by the Egyptian Cubit of 1.71818 …= 1.808449074074… that multiplied by 5.5296 = 10; there are far too many options, consequently in an attempt to brief as feasible The 5.5296 divided by the longer value Greek Foot of 1.01376 = 5.4545… that divided by the Egyptian Foot of 1.14545… = 4.761904… that divided by the Rhind Papyrus fraction {256:81} of 3.160493827… = 1.506696428571… that divided by the Egyptian “Royal” Foot {12 ÷ 7} of 1.714285… = 0.87890625 The ancient Comma of Pythagoras is: 531,441:524,288 the 0.87890625 x 524,288 = 460,800, the 26th PWS member is 4608

{F} the Outer Circle Diameter creates 104.2724571428 …x 3.142857… = 327.713436734…that multiplied by 34801.13636… = 11,404,800, the NC Moon Diameter in Feet. The 34801.13636… divided by the NC Earth Circumference of 24883.2 then multiplied by the 327.713436734…= 458.333… this multiplied by ten longer value Egyptian Feet {1.152} of 11.52 = 5280, the Mile

{G} The NC Earth Circumference is: 131,383,296 Feet, this is the Sarsen Inner Circle Diameter of: 97.32096 x 1,350,000 which is the forthcoming 343636.3636… x 3.9285714… this is the Schooldays Pi of 3.142857… x 1.25 The NC Earth to Sun distance of 93,312,000 Miles divided by the 1,350,000 = 69.12 the 31st PWS member is 6912, the Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard, likewise the “Whole” as I calculated to be in Timaeus, namely 46,656 ÷ 69.12 = 675 which is the 1.25 x 540

As stated, prior: “the Roman Cubit of 1.4598144 increased to 145,981,440”

This 145,981,440 is 1,400,000 x 104.2724571428… the Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter Also: 145,981,440 is 1,500,000 x 97.32096 the Sarsen Inner Circle Diameter and the Earth Polar Radius is: 145,981,440 ÷ 7 = 20854491.428571… which is 200,000 x 104.2724571428… Otherwise the 104.2724571428… is one seventh of 729.9072, then exactly 186,757.5 x 97.32096 = 1,8175,419.1872, which is 729.9072 x 24901, a tolerable Earth Equatorial Circumference, whereas Phi x 15,390 = 24901.5430868…

{H} Subsequently Phi x 186,757.5 ÷ 99.92727… = 3023.999098… tolerable as the GP base side length of 3024. The employed 99.92727… plus 0.07272… = 100, the 0.07272 …x 5280 = 384 this is the 1st PWS member. Whereas Pi minus 0.1176 x 1000 = 3023. 99265358.. tolerable as the GP base perimeter of 3024 and Gem {Gem} Only/Begotten Son is 1176

{I} The NC distance Earth to Moon: 237,600 Miles divided by the Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter 104.2724571428… = 2278.645833 this multiplied by the 21st PWS member: 3072 = 7,000,000 The Sarsen Inner Circle Diameter 97.32096 x 368181.8181… = 35,831,808, this is the Moon Circumference, the NC Earth to Sun distance: 93,312,000 ÷ 368181.8181 …= 253.44 this multiplied by 2.88 will obtain the 729.9072, the 2.88 x 300,000 = 8,64,000 the NC Sun Diameter in Miles, and the prior 145,981,440 ÷ 864,000 = 168.96 that multiplied by 4.32 = 729.9072 Then again, the 729.9072 minus a reduced Moon of 358.31808 = 371.58912 which is 101.376 x 3.665454… which is exactly 3.2 Egyptian Feet of 1.14545… etc

Prior we observe: “this divided by the NC {Numerical Canon} Earth radius of 20,901,888 = 0.08484…”

{J} The 20,901,888 Feet is 5280 x 3958.69090,… which multiplied by 6.28571…4 = 24883.2 the Earth mean Circumference which, for instance, is the Outer Circle Diameter of: 104.2724571428 …x 238.6363… which is one eleventh of exactly 2625 .The 6.285714… is twice 3.142857… the Schooldays Pi {22:7} This 2625 divided by Gem Founder of the City: 1225 = 2.142857… this plus 1 = 3.142857…Then again, the 2.142857 ..x 7 = 15, the 6.285714 …is obviously 2 x 3.142857…

{K} the {J} Earth Radius of 3958.69090…divided by 28.40909… obtains exactly 139.34592 that divided by the shorter value Roman Cubit of 1.45152 = 96. The 3958.69090… x 2 x 3.142857 …= 24883.2

The GP base perimeter of 3024 ÷ 40.7272… = 74.25, this multiplied by 3,200 = 237,600, this is  the NC Earth to Moon distance. The GP height {480 x 12} of 5760 ÷ 40.7272 …= 141.428571… which is 45 x 3.142857… the Schooldays Pi. The Egyptian Mile of 5727.2727… is the 40.7272… x 140.625 this multiplied by 40.96 = 5760, the 24th PWS member is 4096

However, the Earth radius of 3958.69090… is the Egyptian Mile of 5727.2727… x 0.6912, the Egyptian Stade is 691.2 and the 31st PWS member is 6912 Otherwise the 40.7272… divided by the Egyptian Cubit of 1.71818… = 23.703703… that multiplied by 243 = 5760 Then 40.7272… divided by the above 28.40909 …= 1.4336 that divided by a reduced GP base perimeter {3024} of 0.3024 = 4.740740… that multiplied by 0.243 = 1.152 a longer value Egyptian Foot

{L} The NC distance Earth to Sun of 93,312,000 Miles is the Stonehenge 104.2724571428… x 894886.3636… this is, for example, the Egyptian Cubit of 1.71818… x 520833.333… which divided by the Schooldays Pi of 3.142857… = 165,719.6969… that divided by 3.2323… {6080 ÷ 1881} = 51269.53125 The NC Earth to Moon of 237,600 ÷ 51269.53125 = 4.63433142857… this is the Egyptian “Royal” unit {12 ÷ 7} of 1.714285 …x 2.70336, which, to be brief, divided by the longer value Greek Foot of 1.01376 = 2.666… this is one third of 8

{M} Otherwise the NC distance Earth to Sun of 93,312,000 Miles is 51269.53125 x 1820.0283428571 …that multiplied by 13.671875 = 24883.2 which is the NC Earth mean Circumference the 13.671875 x 0.512 = 7, the 4th PWS member is 512 The NC Moon Diameter is 11,404,800 Feet……The NC Moon Circumference is 35,831,808 Feet……The lunar; Yin-Yang number is 1080

{N} The Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter of 104.2724571428… x 343636.3636… = 35,831,808 this is the NC Moon Circumference, since 35,831,808 ÷ 11,404,800 = 3.141818… a tolerable Ancient “Pi” The 1080 is 343636.3636… x 0.003142857… obviously the Schooldays Pi {22 ÷ 7} of 3.142857… reduced

{O} The 343636.3636… is, for example, exactly 200,000 Egyptian Cubits of 1.71818…, the GP base perimeter of 9072 modern-day Inches is 343636.3636 …x 0.0264 this multiplied by 200,000 = 5280, the modern-day Mile The NC distance Earth to Moon 237,600 ÷ 343636.3636 …= 0.69142857… this multiplied by 7,000 = 4840, the Square Yards in One Acre And yet 4840 is 0.91666… Miles of 5280 and 0.91666… x 9896.7272 …= 9072, the 9896.7272… is the Egyptian Cubit of 1.71818x 5760 the GP height, likewise Gem Eagle, Pneuma {Breath} is 5760 the 9896.7272… is the Greek Foot of 1.0022727… x 9874.285714… one seventh of 69,120

The 31st PWS member is 6912 and the Egyptian Stade is 691.2 and the Stonehenge Outer Circle Diameter of 104.2724571428… x 94.6969… = 9874.285714… and the 94.6969… multiplied by 99 = 9375, which is Gem Simon Peter 1925 x 4.870129… this multiplied by the Mile of 5280 = 25714.285714… which is the NC Sun Diameter of 864,000 Miles divided by 33.6 that multiplied by 90 = 3024 the GP base perimeter This, is one of the foremost inconveniences, given that each and every one of the numbers are, without blemish, interconnected, there are far too numerous options available. Accordingly, to indicate all in one fell swoop, as it were, is unachievable, hence my work, quite often without a doubt, is problematical to follow, I can but endeavour my best.


The Feet-Metres ratio: 1 ÷ 0.3048 = 3.280839895013… Feet in one Metre The 0.3048 multiplied by the Stonehenge Outer Circle Diameter: 104.2724571428… = 31.7822449371…and this multiplied by 285.478071732…= 9073.134 this is 5040 x 1.800225 that multiplied by the Comma {531,441:524,288} component 524,288 obtains  943836.3648 which is the GP base side length {Inches} of 9072 x 104.0384 which is the Metre number: 0.3048 x 341.333 …that multiplied by 3 = 1024, the 9th PWS member

The number of paramount significances to be employed within the idealistic City-State of Magnesia as envisaged by Plato was to be 5040 The 285.478071732… x 33,792 = 9,646,875 which is Gem Founder of the City: 1225 x 7875 which is, yet again, 1225 x 6.428571… one seventh of 45, hence 6.428571… x 16.22016 = 104.2724571428… the Stonehenge Outer Circle Diameter, the 16.22016 x 32323.2323… = 524,288 a Comma {531441:524288} component, the Sea Mile of 6080 ÷ 1881 = 3.2323… and the 16.22016 x 300 = 4866.048 the Roman Mile and more besides.

The 33792 is the Sarsen Inner Circle Diameter of 97.32096 x 347.222 …this multiplied by the Common Mycenaean {Geographic} of 0.912384 = 316.8 Gem Lord Jesus Christ is 3168 which is 0.6 x 5280 Deducting the GP base perimeter of 9072 from the 9073.134 we obtain 1.134 this divided by the Eye of Horus fraction as {63:64} of 0.984375 = 1.152 this is the longer value Egyptian Foot. A reduced Nineveh Constant of 1.959552 is the 1.134 x 1.728 the Egyptian Cubit, likewise the number of Cubic Inches in one Cubic Foot is 1728

As testified via the late, great John Michell within “The Dimensions of Paradise” the Albrecht Durer copper engraving Melancholia circa: 1514 BCE, indicates the employment of a unit of 1.344 Inches, the sphere has a Diameter of 1.344 Inches, the measuring stick has two “eyes”, one each end, the distance in between them is 3.36 Inches which is 2.5 x 1.344 The 3.36 x 2700 = 9072, the GP base perimeter The 1.344 divided by the prior 1.134 = 1.185185… this is the musical scale: the Pythagorean Minor Third {32:27}

Units of Measure Stonehenge Correlation

St is 729.9072 {7 x 104.2724571428…}

1: Greek Foot is 10.08…St is 10.08 x 72.41142857… one seventieth of 5068.8 a Greek Mile

2: Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard 46,656…is St x 0.0156444… this is 7.04 ÷ 450 the 7.04 being the Stonehenge Lintel Pillars

3: Square Feet in one Acre 43560 is St x 0.016756363 …this is 1.8432 ÷ 110

4: Square Yards in one Acre 4840 is St x 0.150807272… this is 1.0368 ÷ 6.875

5: Acres in one Square Mile St x 1.14048 the NC Moon Diameter: 11,404,800 Feet

6: Earth to Moon is 93,312,000 Miles divided by St obtains 0.0000704 ÷ 9

7: Earth to Moon is 237,600 Miles. Is St x 0.003072.

8: Earth Mean Circumference is 24883.2 Miles is St x 0.029333… this is 5280 ÷ 180,000

9: Lunar, Yin/Yang number is 1080…is St x 0.67584 this is 1.01376 ÷ 1.5

10 Plato’s Atlantis: 5040 ÷ 1.764 is 2857.142857St is 5040 x 0.14482285714… one seventh of 1.01376 this is the longer value Greek Foot, given that all units of measure are irrefutably interrelated the 0.14482285714… will obviously obtain the following.

{A} 5068.8 the Greek Mile {B} 1.52064 the Greek Cubit {C} 456192 {Atlantis area reduced}

{D} 608.256 Roman Furlong

{E} 0.912384 Common Mycenaean {Geographic} {F}1.064448 Arabian Hashimi Foot

{G} 1.216512 Roman Remen {Geographic} {H} 4866.048 Roman Mile

{I} 633.6 Greek Furlong {J} 0.9732096 longer value Roman Foot {K} 114.048 the NC Moon reduced in addition the 0.14482285714… will obtain a multitude more Units of Measure.

Likewise, St. 729.9072 minus {D} the Roman Furlong of 608.256 = 121.6512, which is 100 x 1.216512 the Roman Remen {Geographic} as within {G} Otherwise St 729.9072 minus {K} 114.048 = 615.8592 which minus {D} 608.256 = 7.6032, which is the commencing 1.01376 x 7.5 or else 525 x 0.014482285714… = 7.6032 Moreover, it creates no disparity of any kind the unit of measure we commence with, nor whether the unit is divided by, multiplied by, added to or else subtracted from whichever additional unit of measure, additional interconnections will persistently appear, it is merely the way it is, as it were, all interrelate.


Stonehenge symbolizes the Sun and Moon and much more, as I will attempt to determine as follows: In 10 the 1.764 x 100,000 = 176,400, John Michell in “The Dimensions of Paradise” writes: “And a circle with Circumference equal to the perimeter of that square has an area of 176,400”….This relates to his diagram of the New Jerusalem square

Likewise, he writes “Area of circle {d} is 176,400” …. This relates to his Magnesia diagram, which is Plato’s envisioned idealistic City State, wherein all measurements must incorporate the number 5040, people, plots of land etc, Next 1764 minus the GP base side length of 756 = 1008, the Greek Foot is 10.08 in addition the width of ring {b} within Magnesia is 1008 Feet, besides 1008 x 5 = 5040 The 1764 minus the Lunar, Yin-Yang number 1080 = 684 this is Gem Mary: 192 x 3.5625 that multiplied by 5.333… = 19, the centre of Stonehenge contains 19 pillars that divided by the 3.5625 = 5.333…

John Michell writes: Quote: “The nineteen stones of the inner U-shaped structure enclose a circle of Diameter 39.6 ft.” Unquote

Yet 19 x 39.6 = 752.4 which is 2.06 x 365.24271844…that multiplied by 360,000 degrees then divided by the Mile of 5280 = 24902.9126213…a tolerable Earth Year with a tolerable Earth Equatorial Circumference The 752.4 x 98357.89473684… = 74,004,480 the 98357.89473684… x 19 = 1,868,800 this is the British Admiralty Nautical Mile of 6080 x 307.36841052… that multiplied by 19 = 5840, the Maya Synodic period of Venus is 584 and 584 multiplied by the 4th PWS member: 512 = 299,008

The 74,004,480 divided by the Maya “Super Number” 1,366,560 = 54.153846…that multiplied by 0.13 = 7.04 the Stonehenge pillars Hence 1,176,000 ÷ 15882.3529411… = 74.0444… this is: 7.04 x 10.517676 that multiplied by 19 x 396 = 79,135, this is Gem Simon Peter: 1925 x 41.10909… this multiplied by the Mile of  5280 = 217056 which is the 19 x 1224 x 9.333… which is the prior 5.333… x 1.75 or else 9.333… x 6 = 56 the Aubrey Holes, Gem Divine Circle is 1224.

The process via which I obtain an Earth Year is like so: 56,430 x 6080 = 343,094,400 this divided by the prior 299,008 then divided by Pi = 365.24219897....that, as prior, multiplied by 360,000 degrees then divided by the Mile of 5280 = 24902.8771990053… improved approximations of a tolerable Earth Year with a tolerable Earth Equatorial Circumference. The 15882.3529411…  x 18,511.111…= 294,000,000 Gem Church is 294 the 18,511.111…x 9 = 166,600 that is the Alexander Thom Megalithic Yard of 2.72 x 61,250 which is Gem Tree of Life 1625 x 37.692307…that multiplied by 1224 Gem Divine Circle then by Gem YHWH 26 = 1,199,520 that is 7.2 x 166,600

The 5.333… x 594 = 3168 the 594 x 400 = 237,600 the distance Earth to Moon, or 594 x 157090.9090… = 93,312,000 the distance Earth to Sun and the 157090.9090… x 29,040 = 4,561,920,000 this is the area of Plato’s Atlantis {minus the Central Shrine} or 157090.9090… x 0.297 = 46,656, the “Whole” and  the 0.297 x 2000 = 594 The 29,040 is 235.2 x 123.4693877551…that multiplied by Gem Founder of the City: 1225 = 151,250 this is Gem Simon Peter 1925 x 78.571428…

The Sarsen Outer Circle Diameter of 104.2724571428… is 78.571428… x 1.327104 and this is the Longer value Greek Foot of 1.01376 x 1.30909… that multiplied by the Modern-Day Furlong of 660 = 864, ample scope remains regarding both 78.571428… and the 1.30909…, the 7th PWS member is 864

The 157090.9090… is, merely as an example, 144,000 x 1.0909… which is the Sumerian Reciprocal, or else 157090.9090… is the Megalithic Foot of 9.89090 …x 15882.3529411… within we espy Gems: 294 {Church}… whilst we examine closer still we also perceive 2352 as 15882.3529411The 235.2 is the GP so-called “King’s Chamber” wall height, the norm being 230.4 Inches yet the floor extends below the upper base floor slightly, additionally I calculated the Grand Gallery 7-corbelled wall height to be the matching 235.2 which is fitting given that the Gallery is the route to the King’s Chamber in addition 235.2 x 1.25 = 294 Gem Church, a fitting Gem, we will employ an increased 1176 {Only/begotten son} of 1,176,000

Hence 1,176,000 ÷ 15882.3529411…= 74.0444… this is the Stonehenge pillars: 7.04 x 10.517676 that multiplied by 19 x 396 = 79135, this is Gem Simon Peter: 1925 x 41.10909 this multiplied by the Mile of  5280 = 217,056 which is the 19 x 1224 x 9.333… which is the prior 5.333 x 1.75 or else 9.333 x 6 = 56 the Aubrey Holes, Gem Divine Circle is 1224 The Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard being 46,656 which, as we know, is also the “Whole” within Timaeus that Plato alludes to but never actually mentions the “number” of the “Whole” I indicate the creation of this 46,656 within the Plato’s World Soul essay wherein I likewise indicated a series of 36 numbers that comprise Plato’s World Soul, that I dub PWS {Plato’s World Series}

As indicated at commencement, the mean width of the Stonehenge Lintel pillars is 7.04 Feet, the gaps between the pillars being 3.52 Feet and 3.52 x 2 = 7.04, or 3.52 x 90 = 316.8 which is 30 x 10.56 this is likewise 10.56 is 3.52 plus 7.04. Gem Lord Jesus Christ is 3168 The 10.56 is a Sumerian “Foot” and 10.56 x 2 = 21.12 a Persian Cubit {Canonical} or 10.56 x 300 = 3168 hence 10.56 x 0.666… = 7.04 there are numerous additional options as I am confident the reader can perceive, since the prior 235.2  is 3.52 x 66.8181… that multiplied by 17,600 = 1,176,000 {there are 1760 Yards in one Mile of 5280}

The Stonehenge Lintel width is 3.47574857142… which is one half of 6.95149714285… which happens to be the difference between the Outer and Inner Stonehenge Circle Diameters: Outer: 104.2724571428… minus the Inner: 97.32096… = 6.95149714285… which is the Stonehenge Lintel pillars width of 7.04 minus 0.08850285714… all is interconnected  This 0.08850285714… x 1178.1818 …= 104.2724571428… and this 1178.1818 …x 22 = 25,920 the Platonic Precession Cycle, or the Egyptian Cubit of 1.71818… x 685.714285… = 1178.1818… This 685.714285… multiplied by the Arabian Hashimi Foot of 1.064448 = 729.9072

Likewise, the NC Earth Polar Radius is 20854491.428571… which is the difference between the Outer and Inner Stonehenge Circle Diameters of 6.95149714285 …x 3,000,000 hence this 20854491.428571… is the 685.714285… x 30412.8 which is 50 Roman Furlongs of 608.256 or 304,12.8 is 48 Greek Furlongs of 633.6, etc.


Since the number 19 is involved within the Earth Year calculation, then 729.9072 is 19 x 38.41616842… that multiplied by the Sea Mile of 6080 = 233570.304 and this is the Greek Cubit of 1.52064 x 153,600, the 13th PWS member is 1536 The 19 is a prime number also Gem: Eve is 19 likewise 19 pertains to the Metonic Cycle hence “my” Year that I indicated prior as: “I obtain an Earth Year is like so: 56,430 x 6080 = 343,094,400 this divided by the 299,008 then by actual Pi = 365.2421989187…” Can also be obtained via 19 x 99 x 6080 x 30 = 343,094,400 this divided by the Stonehenge 729.9072 = 470052. 08333.. which divided by 365 divided by 1.122334455667789001 divided by Pi = 365.242198918744…The 1.122334455667789001 is 1 ÷ 0.891 this multiplied by 11,000 = 9801 which is 9 x 1089 hence 9801 reversed, there are only two pairs of numbers below 10,000 that are reversals of themselves, one pair is obviously 9801 with 1089 the other pair being 8712 with 2178

The 365 is Gem Abraxas, Mithras, Neilos {Nile} the 99 x 2400 = 237,600 the NC Earth to Moon the 99 x 942545.4545… = 93,312,000 the NC Earth to Sun the 365 x 1.6 = 584 the Maya Synodic period of Venus, the 365 x 6 = 2190 Gem {Gem} Son of Man or the 299,008 is 365 x 819.2, the 33rd PWS member is 8192 The 942545.4545… is, for example, the Egyptian Foot of 1.14545… x 822857.142857… which, merely as another example is 7891.4141… x 104.2724571428… the Stonehenge Outer Circle Diameter And this 7891.4141… multiplied by the 99 = 781250 which is Gem Simon Peter 1925 x 405.844155 that multiplied by the Roman Cubit of 1.4598144 = 592.4571428… which is 104.2724571428… x 5.68181… this multiplied by the Yards in One Mile 1760 = 10,000

Moreover, it creates no disparity of any kind the unit of measure we commence with, nor whether the unit is divided by, multiplied by, added to or else subtracted from whichever additional unit of measure, additional interconnections will persistently appear, it is merely the way it is, as it were, all interrelate.

Units of Measure Stonehenge Correlation

St is 729.9072

11 Gem City of god is 882 is St x 0.82755918367…this multiplied by 1225 = 1013.76

12 Gem Only/begotten son is 1176 .is St x 0.620669387755… this x 1225 = 760.32

13 Gem Lord Jesus Christ is 3168 is St x 0.2304 the 18th PWS member is 2304.

14 Gem Founder of the City is 1225 is St x 0.5958426122448…this x 16.3333…= 97.32096

15 Common Mycenaean Foot {Canonical} is 0.905142857…x 806.4 = St the 806.4 is 633.6 plus 172.8 etc.

16 Egyptian Stade is 691.2 is St x 1.056 Sumerian “Foot”.

17 Great Pyramid base perimeter is 3024 Feet is St x 0.2413714285… this x 87.5 = 21.12 Persian Cubit {Canonical}

18 Greek Furlong is 633.6 Feet is St x 1.152 the longer value Egyptian Foot

19 Greek Mile is 5068.8 is St x 0.144.

20 Greek Mile /Plato’s Atlantis favoured number is St x 0.14482285714… one-seventh of 1.01376 the longer value Greek Foot

St is 729.9072

21 Roman Mile is 4866.048 x 0.15 = St

22 Roman Mile is 4838.4 is St x 0.150857142… one seventh of 1.056 a Sumerian “Foot”.

23 Roman Furlong is 608.256 is .St x 1.2.

24 Gem: Mary is 192 is St x 3.8016 this is 3.75 x 1.01376.

25 Conversion Longer to Shorter {175:176} is 0.99431818…is St x 734.078098285714… this is 7.04 x 104.2724571428…

26 Stonehenge Outer/Inner Circle Diameter difference is 6.95149714285… Feet is St ÷ 105.

27 Stonehenge Lintel Width is 3.47574857142…is St x 210 and 3.47574857142… x 2 = 6.95149714285…

28 Stonehenge Inner Circle Diameter is 97.32096 Feet is St x 0.1333…one-third of 04

29 Cubic Inches in one Cubic Foot is 1728 is St x 0.4224 one-fiftieth of 21.12

30 Greek Cubit is 1.52064 is St ÷ 480.

In 12 the 760.32 is the Longer value Greek Foot of 1.01376 x 750, because the 760.32 is, clearly related to the 1.01376 it will similarly produce the prior indicated Units of Measure: 1520.64… 4561.92… 6082.56… 9123.84… 10644.48… 11404.8… 12165.12…48660.48… 91238.4… 97320.96… 114048…and further besides. Likewise, 479,001,600 {=12!} is 760.32 x 630,000

Then again, the 479,001,600 is the Platonic Precession cycle of 25,920 x 18,480 which is 3.5 Miles of 5280 Otherwise 18,480 is the seconds in 24 hours 86,400 x 0.213888… this multiplied by 9,000 = 1925, Gem Simon Peter, he who landed the 153 “Fishes” upon the Sea of Tiberius {Galilee} in addition 153 x 8 = 1224 Gem Divine Circle {Please see 0.213888… below} Hence the Stonehenge: 729.9072 ÷ 7 = 104.2724571428… Diameter hence the Radius is 52.1362285714…John Neal within: “All Done With Mirrors” maintains that the length of one degree at 50˚ Latitude is 364953.6 Feet which is 500 x 729.9072

I have and will employ 1225 as a multiplier quite often before such as within:

“11 Gem City of god is 882”“St is 882 x 0.827559183673…this x 1225 = 1013.76 {Please see 20}”

And Gem Founder of the City is 1225, the highlighted 1836 within the produced 163.8567183673…is 1.5 x 1224 or 1836 is 12 x 153, hence 153 x 8 = 1224 Gem Divine Circle Therefore 163.8567183673…x 1225 = 200,724.48 which is Gem Divine Circle: 1224 x 163.99058823529411764… within the cyclic we espy Gems: 882 {City of god}…294 {Church}…in addition to 1176 {Only/begotten son} “affixed” to 1764 this we observe prior within: “10: Plato’s Atlantis: 5040 ÷ 1.764 is 2857.142857…”

Likewise, the 2857.142857… is the Astronomical Megalithic Yard of 2.715428571… x 1052.188552 that, for example, multiplied by 2.97 = 3125, that multiplied by the longer value Greek Foot of 1.01376 = 3168, Gem Lord Jesus Christ, which multiplied by 1.666… = 5280

The 2.97 x 80,000 = 237,600 Miles, the Earth to Moon distance, or 2.97 x 31418181.8181… = 93,312,000 Miles, the Earth to Sun distance, one version of Pi is 3.141818… Or the 2.715428571… x 38.4 = 104.2724571428… the Stonehenge: 729.9072 ÷ 7 = 104.2724571428… the 1st PWS member is 384 which is twice 192 Gem: Mary

The 294 x 3 = 882..., the 294 x 4 = 1176…, the 294 x 6 = 1764 with a keener eye we additionally espy within the cyclic 058823529411764… the number 2352 which is the Great Pyramid’s “Kings Chamber” besides 235.2 is 294 x 0.8 Hence 1176 ÷ 163.99058823529411764… then multiplied by the prior highlighted 0.213888… = 1.53382786195…2 now we espy 153 and 1925 rearranged as it were, hence 1925 x 1.533827861952… = 2952.618634259259… Due to the cyclic 259, instantly the “number” to employ is the Platonic 25,920 consequently 2952.618634259259… x 25,920 = 76,531,875 which is 1225 x 62475, and this is 1925 x 32.4545… which is 28.333 …Egyptian Feet of 1.14545… and the 28.333… x 43.2 = 1224

Units of Measure Stonehenge Correlation

St is 729.9072

31 Roman Cubit of 1.4598144 is St x 500.

33 Greek Cubit of 1.512 is St x 482.7428571… {21.12 ÷ 0.04375}

34 Egyptian Foot {Longer} of 1.152 is St x 633.6.

35 Arabian Hashimi Foot of 1.064448…is St x 685.714285… {5760 ÷ 8.4}

36 GP Tan of 1.269841…is St x 574.80192 {506.88 x 1.134}

 Until the next essay

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