Great Pyramid Mathematics {1}

More than a few raise the question: whether Pi otherwise Phi is within the Great Pyramid of Egypt, similarly, contemplate is Pi otherwise Phi within the Maya Pyramid of the Sun, the answer to this question may be within the forthcoming. However, the pedantic may require further accuracy, but there we are, each to their own. The ancient practice of Gematria comes into play since many of the numerical values are linked to modern-day Units of Measure, in Hebrew, letters are given a numerical value in addition those values can be added up to attain the numerical value of a name, word, otherwise phrase, for example the Gematria value YHWH is 26. Equally the number 260 plays a major part within the Maya Calendar.

On many occasions cyclic digits will emerge, which I have found to be of benefit given that they hint at the next appropriate number to employ as I hope to demonstrate, such as the forthcoming “251,224.615384…this multiplied by Gematria value: “Founder of the City” 1225 then by the Maya 260 = 80,015,040,000” the highlighted 1224 within the 251,224.615384…is Gematria value:  “Divine Circle”, otherwise “The Net” hence my employing the 1225. However, there is no premeditated objective to convert, invert, the religious beliefs of any person I am merely employing the Gematria values {numbers} awarded within an era along with a purpose that we, modern-day seekers of truth may barely presume. Certainly, there is an aspect of obscuring a name, word, otherwise phrase, from those who govern to evade potential oppression, however as expressed, I employ no more than the “numbers


 The Great Pyramid of Egypt denoted as GP

The Maya Pyramid of the Sun denoted as POS

 Gematria values currently to be  denoted as Gem: likewise devoid of the customary inverted commas as with the above: Gematria value:  “Divine Circle” otherwise “The Net” will now appear as Gem: Divine Circle, The Net and so on

Any Units of Measure that contain the digits: 124578 in any order are guaranteed to be ratios of additional Units of Measure that contain the digits: 124578 in any order, the identical applies to other cyclic digits such as: 09…18…36…45…54 and so on, the explanation being all are ratios of the incredibly effective mathematical number 3 since 124 plus 578 = 702 and 7 + 2 = 9 = 3 x 3, otherwise 1 + 2 + 4 ++ 5 + 7 + 8 = 27 obviously 3 x 3 x 3 otherwise 2 + 7 = 9 = 3 x 3. Accordingly, it ought to be obvious that the mentioned cyclic digits: 09…18…36…45…54 are the number 3 multiplied otherwise added they are multiples of 3

Another mathematical law that may be of assist being whilst a number ends with a number 5 {or zero} it is divisible by 5, such as the Mile of 5280 Feet is 5 x 1056 the “Sumerian Foot” is 1.056, then again, Gem Founder of the City 1225 is 5 x 245 which is 5 x 49 {7 x 7} Gem: Simon Peter 1925 who landed the 153 {Gem: The Fishes} upon the Sea of Galilee is 5 x 385 which is 5 x 77 and so on. The numbers 1 to 17 add to 153 and 153 x 8 = 1224 indicated prior as Gem: Divine Circle otherwise most fittingly The Net as well as the 17 x 72 = 1224.

 An Earth Solar Year of 365.24221211827610486870288906288…

This will be abridged to read as 365.242212118

The following “unearthing” of actual Pi is depending on this Earth Solar Year being a bearable approximation, equally it needs be borne in mind there is not exactly 24 hours in one day but about 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds or so, determined by which book, article, essay etc is read. Does this suggest the Earth Years I generate are precise, an unequivocal no being the response, since I do not possess, nor have access to: “An all-optical atomic clock, recently demonstrated by researchers at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST; Gaithersburg, MD), produces about 1 quadrillion “ticks” per second and promises to be as much as 1000 times more accurate than the world’s current standard in time measurement-cesium-based microwave atomic clocks”

The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} of 3.160493827…multiplied by exactly 47.02812890625 obtains 148.632111…We have deemed there to be 86,400 seconds in one day, hence 86,400 ÷ 148.632111…= 581.30103484…that multiplied by 0.628318530717958…= 365.242212118… a tolerable Earth Solar Year that multiplied by 360,000 Degrees then divided by the Mile of 5280 Feet obtains 24,902.8780989…a tolerable Earth Equatorial Circumference in Miles. I intend to authenticate these commencing numbers such as the 47.02812890625 as we progress

The 0.628318530717958… x 5 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795:  Pi

Then again, the “number” 86,400 ÷ 236.555…= 365.241897604…The cyclic number 5 containing: 236.555…x 21.6 = 5,109.6 that plus 650.4 = 5760 the GP height in Inches in addition the 650.4 plus the 21.6 = 672 which is the GP base perimeter of 3024 Feet divided by 4.5. Then 86,400 divided by the 365.242212118…then multiplied by Pi = 7,431.605555…that multiplied by the GP so-called King’s Chamber Wall height in Inches 230.4 = 1,712,241.92 which is 11,520 x 148.632111…the 11,520 is 60 x 192 Gem Mary The British Admiralty Nautical Mile of 6080 Feet being 192 x 31.666…which multiplied by 166.736842105…= 5280 Feet the “Land” Mile, The 166.736842105…multiplied by the 399 days for Jupiter obtains exactly 66,528 this is the 31.666…x 2,100.8842105…that multiplied by the Metonic Cycle 19 = 39,916.8 the 19 x 320 = 6080 the “Sea” Mile and the 18th PWS member is 2304 The 10th PWS member is 1152, likewise the Egyptian Longer Cubit being 1.152

As regards the Planets, the time interval between one opposition and the next is about 780 days for Mars, 399 days for Jupiter, and 378 days for Saturn. Hence 192 is 19 x 10.10526315789…that multiplied by 16.5 regains the 166.736842105… The 2,100.8842105…is the 166.736842105…multiplied by exactly 12.6 which will obtain numerous Units of Measure as will the prior 39,916.8 since within the John Michell New Jerusalem plan the area of the semicircle is 39,916,800 Square Feet

The 39,916.8 x 12,000 = 479,001,600 {= 12!} the Nineveh Constant of 195,955,200,000,000 is 39,916.8 x 4,909,090,909.0909…that is one-eleventh of exactly 54,000,000,000 an increased 54 the much-employed ancient number that likewise obtains numerous. Following the measurements written by Plato, the Atlantis area minus the Central Shrine being 4,561,920,000 Square Cubits which is the 39,916.8 x 114,285.714285…this being the Stonehenge Sarsen Circle Outer Diameter of 104.2724571428…Feet multiplied by 1,096.0297418…then again, the Earth Polar Radius of 3,949.714285…x 28.93518518…= 114,285.714285…which is one-seventh of 800,000

The 1,096.0297418…x 9801 = 10,742,187.5 exactly, which is 440,000 x 24.4140625 The only four-digit numbers that are integral multiples of their reversals being 8712 and 9801 G. H. Hardy: Mathematician’s Apology, the 9801 is 9 x 1089. The numbers 2178 and 1089 are the only two numbers smaller than 10,000 with multiples that are reversals of themselves {excluding trivial cases of palindromic numbers such as 3443 multiplied by 1} the 2178 x 2 = 4356 that plus 4356 = 8712 hence 2178 x 4 = 8712 The 28.93518518…is the Musical Scale Pythagorean Minor Third {32:27} of 1.185185…multiplied by exactly 24.4140625 that multiplied by 1,634.992128 will regain the 39,916.8 and the 1,634.992128 is exactly 1536 Arabian Hashimi Feet of 1.064448, the 13th PWS {Plato’s World-Soul} member being 1536

The 365.242212118…multiplied by 360,000 Degrees then divided by the Mile of 5280 Feet obtains an Earth Equatorial Circumference of 24,902.8780989…Miles Whereas the Earth Solar Year and Circumference I obtained via employing actual Pi is 365.24219891874…and 24,902.877199005…hence slight differences. These I obtained via employing the British Admiralty Nautical Mile of 6080 Feet, like so: 56,430 x 6080 = 343,094,400 that divided by 299,008 then by Pi = 365.24219891874…The 299,008 is a multiple of Maya Calendar numbers such as 365 x 819.2, and 584 x 512, and 1460 x 204.8 the divisions produce a reduced 8192 a reduced 2048 and a whole number 512 all PWS {Plato’s World-Soul} members the 299,008 has much more within.

Maya Temples with 91 steps on each of their 4 sides obtains 91 x 4 = 364 that added to the top platform itself counting as 1 = 365. which is the Gem: Abraxas and Mithras, both Solar “gods” The equivalent applies to the 343,094,400, which, for example, is the Metonic Cycle 19 x 18,057,600 which is our familiar seconds in 24 hours: 86,400 x 209 which is the 19 x 11, otherwise 343,094,400, is the 1st PWS member 384 x 893,475 which is Gem:  Tree of Life: 1625 x 549.8307692…that multiplied by Gem:  YHWH 26 = 14,295.6 this is 14,101.5625 Longer value Greek Feet of 1.01376 and the 14,101.5625 x 256 = 3,610,000 which is the 19 x 190,000 and so on. Various cultures from the Sumerians onward, venerated a ”Tree of Life” as did the Maya

The number 26 plays a significant role within the Maya Calendar, for example, the Maya First Sun 676 is 26 x 26, the Maya Third Sun 312 is 26 x 12, the Maya Super Number 1,366,560 is 26 x 52,560 which is 10 x 5256 another Maya Calendar number. Likewise, the Maya 18,980 is 26 x 730 that multiplied by 2 = 1460 as prior, the Sothic Cycle, otherwise 730 is twice 365 or 1.25 x 584 the Maya Synodic period of Venus. Gem Tree of Life: 1625 is 26 x 62.5 that multiplied by 21,772.8 = 1,360,800 the Maya Long Count, the 21,772.8 is 46,656 x 0.4666…one-third of 1.4 hence ample scope regarding 0.4666…The 46,656 is the Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard, equally I calculated the “Whole” implied, nevertheless not ever provided by Plato within Timaeus from which the “creator” extracted portions to fashion the World-Soul to be 46,656. After the World-Soul being completed there being a surplus in the ratio 256:243 which is the Musical Scale: Pythagorean Limma, 1.053497942386… which is one-third of 3.160493827…the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81}

The Maya 18,980 x 72 = 1,366,560 the Maya Long Count of 1,360,800 x 26 = 35,380,800 which resembles the NC {Numerical Canon} Moon Circumference of 35,831,808 Feet hence 35,831,808 divided by 35,380,800 = 1.01274725…that multiplied by the Maya 18,980  = 19,221.9428571…which divided by the Maya STU of 41.714285…= 460.8 one-tenth of 4608 the 26th PWS member. The 19,221.9428571…being the Stonehenge Sarsen Circle Outer Diameter of 104.2724571428…Feet multiplied by 184.3434…that  multiplied by 7.92 = 1460 the Sothic Cycle. The 7.92 will obtain 237,600, 3168, 3960, 633.6, 9504, 19,008, 43,560, 5068.8,  so on and so forth all Units of Measure

To validate the commencing numbers

The commencing exact 47.02812890625 multiplied by 313,344 = 14,735,982.024 which is the GP  base perimeter of 3024 feet multiplied by 4,873.0099285714…which is 116.81873116438356…Maya STU of 41.714285…The 116.81873116438356…multiplied by the Maya Super Number 1,366,560 = 159,639,805.26 which is the commencing 148.632111…multiplied by exactly 1,074,060 that is the Mile of 5280 Feet multiplied by the Egyptian Foot of 1.14545…multiplied by the Royal Egyptian Cubit of 1.714285…x 103.59375 that multiplied by a Comma of Pythagoras {531,441:524,288} component, namely 524,288 = 54,312,960 which is the “Sea” Mile of  6080 x 8,933.052631578…this multiplied by Pi = 28,064.012521499…that multiplied by the Earth Year I calculated via employing the British Admiralty Nautical Mile of 6080 Feet, namely: 365.24219891874…= 10,250,161.6438356…this multiplied by the Maya 18,980 obtains exactly 194,548,068,000

This 194,548,068,000 divided by the Nineveh Constant of 195,955,200,000,000 then multiplied by the Maya 5256 = 5.2182572619047…which is exactly 5.1367219921875 x 1.015873…the Eye of Horus fraction, of which I am certain is acknowledged from the rear of the American Dollar Bill  The 5.1367219921875 multiplied by 18th PWS member 2,048 = 10,520.00664 that divided by the 8,933.052631578 obtains exactly 1.1776496875 which divided by the 5.1367219921875 then multiplied by the prior 54,312,960  obtains exactly 12,451,840 which , for example, is 2048 x 6080 the “Sea” Mile, the 16th PWS member is 2048

The Eye of Horus fraction  multiplied by 1.25 = 1.269841…the GP Tan {480:378} otherwise the Rhind Papyrus fraction {256:81} of 3.160493827…divided by the Eye of Horus fraction obtains 3.111…although one-ninth of 28 this 3.111…multiplied by 47.77460714285…will regain the commencing 148.632111…And this 47.77460714285…is 1.145281678082…Maya STU of 41.714285…accordingly the 1.145281678082…multiplied by the prior 8,933.052631578…= 10,230.8615082…that is 28.036495479…Maya Earth Years of 364.9122807017…to which, had they added no more than 0.33 would have obtained 365.2422807017…an enhanced Earth Solar Year. The 28.036495479452…is the 1.145281678082…x 24.48 which is 1.159090…Persian Cubits {Canonical} of 21.12

The 1.159090…is 0.770975056…Greek Cubits of 1.50340909…the 0.770975056…multiplied by Gem : Founder of the City 1225 = 944.444…that multiplied by 1.296 = 1,224 Gem: Divine Circle and 1224 is the 24.48 x 50 similarly 24.48 is 3.36 plus 21.12, the magnificent Grand Allery literally entombed within the GP is 336 Inches high or 28 Feet, likewise the “number” 336 x  9 = 3024 the GP base perimeter in Feet. Equally, the 21.12 is 20 x 1.056 the “Sumerian Foot” that multiplied by 5,000 = 5280 Feet, the Modern-day Mile I would assume, the Maya recognised the significance of the number 0.33 nonetheless those who held sway obscured it from the lesser citizens in a manner of speaking.

Equally the 8,933.0526315…multiplied by the Greek Cubit of 1.52064 then by the Metonic Cycle 19 = 258,095.18592 which multiplied by 210.437710 …will regain the 54,312,960  likewise 210.437710…multiplied by the prior 28.036495479…then divided by the likewise prior 1.145281678082191…= 5,151.5151…this multiplied by 0.2376 = 1,224 Gem Divine Circle, or The Net which is 8 x 153 Gem The Fishes landed via Simon Peter Gem 1925 upon the Sea of Galilee, yet 1925 x 2.7428571…= 5280 the Modern-day Mile.

The 2.7428571…being 1.578282…Long Geographical Royal Cubits of 1.73787428571…The 1.578282…multiplied by the Greek Furlong of 633.6 = 1,000,

Otherwise, the 2.7428571…being 2.5252…Assyrian/Germanic {Canonical} Units of 1.0861714285…and this 2.5252…x 3.96 = 10. The mathematical properties of the 3.96 ought to be easily recognised, simply to end here , else the end will never be, the 2.5252…multiplied by the Maya Long Count of 1,360,800 = 3,436,363.6363…that multiplied by exactly 26.6112 = 91,445,760 the GP Volume in Cubic Feet. Due to the cyclic 63 within the 3,436,363.636…there are options galore, regarding the 26.6112 this, for example, is the prior 0.2376 x 112 obviously one-third of the Grand Gallery 336, then again, the 26.6112 is the prior Persian Cubit {Canonical} of 21.12 x 1.26 the Numerical Carousel sustains it’s revolving, since this 1.26 similarly, will obtain numerous Units of Measure, the NC {Numerical Canon} distance Earth to Moon being 237,600 Miles

The numbers 1 to 17 add to 153 and 17 x 72 = 1224, the 0.2376 being a reduced 237,600 the NC {Numerical Canon} mean distance Earth to Moon in Miles The options regarding the 54,312,960  are indeed numerous, for example it is the prior 5,151.5151…multiplied by exactly 10,543.104 which is, for example, the Musical Scale Pythagorean Limma {256:243} of 1.05349794238…multiplied by the Arabian Hashimi Foot of 1.064448 multiplied by the Stonehenge Sarsen Circle Outer Diameter of 104.2724571428…Feet multiplied by the Egyptian Foot of 1.14545…multiplied by Gem Tree of Life 1625 x 0.0484406001984126…and this multiplied by half the GP base side length of 378 Feet obtains exactly 18.310546875.

This 18.310546875 x 314.5728 = 5760 the GP height in Inches and 314.5728 is an increased Shorter value Greek Foot {1.01376} of 101.376 + 101.376 + 101.376 + 10.4448 that minus the Longer value Greek Foot {1.0368} increased to 10.368 = 0.0768, the 6th PWS {Plato’s World-Soul} member being 768 hence this 0.0768 will obtain: 384, 1536, 2304, 3072, 4608, 6144, 6912, 9216, all PWS members likewise several being Units of Measure To continue the 0.0768 will obtain 1.152, 12,288, 13,824, 18,432, 2.0736, 27648, 3456, 4838.4, 5068.8, 5760, 76,032, 8064, 8,2944, 0.96768, 1.01376 all being  PWS members, Musical Scales “numbers” otherwise Units of Measure. However here I will come to an end since whilst an increased Shorter value Greek Foot of 1.01376 is obtainable, the Units of Measure proverbial floodgates are open. The 2.0736 a Cubit attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, the 27,648 being 7 x 3,949.714285…the Earth Polar Radius in Feet

The 313,344 is Gem: Divine Circle 1224 , otherwise The Net 1224 x 256 and this will obtain: 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 2304, 3072, 4096, 4608, 6144, 6912, 8192, 9216, 11,520, 12,288, 13,824, 16384, 18432, and so on, all PWS {Plato’s World-Soul} members, otherwise Musical Scales “numbers” likewise Units of Measure  The 2304 being 10 x 230.4 the GP so-called King’s Chamber Wall height in Inches.

Exactly 47.02812890625 that multiplied by the 313,344 = 14,735,982.024 which is the GP  base perimeter of 3024 feet multiplied by 4,873.0099285714…which is 116.81873116…Maya STU of 41.714285…The 116.81873116…multiplied by the Maya Super Number 1,366,560 = 159,639,805.26 which is the commencing 148.632111…multiplied by exactly 1,074,060 that is 5280 x 1.14545…x 1.714285…x 103.59375 that multiplied by a Comma of Pythagoras {531,441:524,288} component, namely 524,288 = 54,312,960 which is indicated below

The 313,344 is Gem: Divine Circle, otherwise The Net 1224 x 256 that will obtain: 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 2304, 3072, 4096, 4608, 6144, 6912, 8192, 9216, 11,520, 12,288, 13,824, 16,384, 18,432, and so on, as prior, all PWS {Plato’s World-Soul} members, otherwise Musical Scales “numbers” likewise Units of Measure the 2304 being 10 x 230.4 the GP so-called King’s Chamber Wall height in Inches. The Gem Divine Circle 1224 multiplied by another “Circle” 25.920 = 671,846.4 which is 27 x 24,883.2 the NC {Numerical Canon } Earth mean Circumference in Miles. Then again, the Maya Long Count of 1,360,800 x 1224 = 1,665,619,200 which is 4,564,437.230769…Maya Earth Years of 364.9122807017…

The 4,564,437.230769…multiplied by the Maya 260 = 1,186,753,680 that is the prior 1,074,060 x 1,104.92307…which multiplied by the Maya First Sun 676 = 746,928 and this the Maya Temple steps 364 x 2,052 that is 252 x 8.142857…which multiplied by the prior 4,873.0099285714…x 1225 = 48,608,274.0375 The 8.142857…multiplied by 485.052631578…= 3,949.714285…the Earth Polar Radius indicated prior and the 485.052631578…multiplied by the 399 days for Jupiter obtains exactly 193,536 and the carousel maintains turning, since 193,536 is the prior indicated 0.0768 x 2,520,000 this, yet again will obtain numerous Units of Measure

Otherwise, the 8.142857…multiplied by the prior 4,873.0099285714…x 0.2 x Pi = 24,931.819856308…which is the commencing Earth Solar Year of 365.242212118……x 68.26105808447…that multiplied by the GP base area {756 ft. x 756 ft.} of 571,536 Square Feet obtains exactly 39,013,652.0933696025 The 24,931.819856308… is Pi x 7,936.04474081…that multiplied by Gem Founder of the City 1225 obtains exactly 9,721,654.8075 that is the prior 48,608,274.0375 x 0.2

The Tetractys number total: 8436

The late, great John Michell within his exceptionally enlightening publication “The Dimensions of Paradise” wrote Quote” The Tetractys, the triangular form of the number 10, had the same significance to the Pythagoreans as the Tree of Life diagram has in Jewish mysticism” Unquote

The Tetractys in the shape of a Triangle {Pyramid hint} commencing with one “dot” at the apex, then two underneath then three and so on terminating in 36 “dots” the sum of all the “dots” being 666 that multiplied by 12.666…= 8436, the 12.666…multiplied by the GP height of 480 Feet obtains 6,080 Feet, the British Admiralty Nautical Mile. Otherwise, the 12.666…is exactly 7.125 x 1.777…the Square Root of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} of 3.160493827…And the 7.125 x 1,184 = 8436, the 1,184 x 2 = 2,368 Gem Jesus Christ which, without purposefully causing indignation is 666 x 3.555…that is twice 1.777…

The 2368 and 666 are multiplies of the number 37, via adding the numbers indicated alongside the John Michell diagram of the Tetractys the sum being 8436 likewise 84 x 36 = 3024 the GP base perimeter in Feet. The John Michell numbers alongside being: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36 and so on. Equally the 8436 minus 444 = 7,992 which is 12 x 666 equally the 8436 minus 666 twice obtains 7,104 which is 3 x 2368 Then again, as a Square the  666 x 666 = 443,556 that minus the 8436 = 435,120 this divided by 2368 = 183.75 which is Gem: Church 294 x 0.625 otherwise Gem City of god 882 x 0.208333…that multiplied by 5,644.8 = 1176 Gem Only/begotten Son which is 294 x 4

Similarly, Pi minus 0.1176 then multiplied by 1,000 = 3,023.99265…tolerable as the GP base perimeter of 3024 Feet and 3,023.99265…x 1.904761…= 5,759.986006…tolerable as the height of 5760 Inches the 1.904761…being the Rhind Papyrus fraction {256:81} of 3.160493827…x 0.60267857142…this multiplied by 89.6 = 54 the much-employed ancient number hence 0.60267857142…will obtain: 1080, 2160, 378, 432, 756, 864, 1296, 1512, 1728, 1944, 237,600, 25,920, 2916, 3024, 3456, and much, much more The 5,644.8 minus 2368 = 3,276.8 a Musical Scales number albeit reduced, yet 3,276.8 will obtain numerous Units of Measure such as: 3,276.8 x 160 = 524,288 a Comma of Pythagoras component {531441:524288} likewise 3,276.8 is a multiple of 8192, 4096, 2048, 1024, 512, all PWS members, and there is much more to 3,276.8, one more example being 3,276.8 is 3,232.3232… Longer value Greek Feet of 1.01376, the 3,232.3232…x 1.881 = 6080 the “Sea” Mile, the 1.881 being the Metonic Cycle 19 x 0.099 that multiplied by 40,000 = 3960 the NC Earth mean Radius and 3960 likewise obtains numerous and so on

Resuming the prior “The 24,931.819856308… is Pi x 7,936.04474081…that multiplied by Gem Founder of the City 1225 obtains exactly 9,721,654.8075”

Accordingly, exactly 68,051,583.6525 ÷ 24,931.819856308…= 2,729.507274026005…that multiplied by the Tetractys number total: 8436 then by Pi obtains exactly 72,338,700 which divided by the Maya Long Count of 1,360,800 then multiplied by the Plato/Timaeus “Whole” 46,656 obtains exactly 2,480,184 that is the GP base perimeter of 3024 Feet multiplied by 820.1666…which is exactly 461.34375 x 1.777…the Square Root of the Rhind Papyrus fraction {256:81} of 3.160493827…The 461.34375 x 256 = 118,104 which is 14 x 8,436 the Tetractys number total

As indicated prior, the 68.26105808447…x 21.21580864255…= 1,448.213546058…that multiplied by  26,939.15700453…= 39,013,652.0933696025 exactly The 26,939.15700453…÷ 365.242212118 …x 8436 x 81 = 50,399,314.20015625 that divided by the 39,013,652.0933696025 then multiplied by the 48,608,274.0375 = 62,794,010.41666…one-third of 188,382,031.25 that divided by the prior 461.34375 = 408,333.333…one-third of 1,225,000 an increased Gem: Founder of the City of 1225 The 21.21580864255…x Pi = 66.65142857…one-seventh of 466.56 hence 66.65142857…will obtain: 93,312,000, 13,996,800, 23,328, 116,640, 583,200, 218,700 ,437,400, 656,100, 874,800, and so on, PWS members increased likewise Earth to Sun: 93,312,000 Miles, Musical Scales numbers and multiples of 25,920 the Platonic Precession Cycle


As indicated prior, regarding the Planets, the time interval between one opposition and the next is about 780 days for Mars, 399 days for Jupiter, and 378 days for Saturn. Gem: Simon Peter 1925 x 0.36458333…= 5280, the Mile the Maya obtained their Earth Year via dividing 1,872,000 by 5,130 thereby obtaining 364.9122807017…this resembles, the 0.36458333…increased to 364.58333…Accordingly, 364.58333…x 5,130 = 1,870,312.5 that plus 1,687.5 = 1,872,000, the 1,687.5 x 0.64 = 1080 the Lunar, Yin-Yang number otherwise, the 1,687.5 is 1925 x 0.8766233…this multiplied 399 = 349.77272…this is 348.97959183673…Greek Feet of 1.0022727…the highlighted 1836 within is Gem 1224 x 1.5 hence 348.97959183673…x 1225 = 427,500 that is the Maya Earth Year component 5,130 x 83.333…one-third of 250

Equally the 348.97959183673…x 44.1 = 15,390 which is the Maya Earth Year {1,872,000 ÷ 5,130} component of 5,130 x 3 similarly Phi x 15,390 = 24,901.5430868…a tolerable Earth Equatorial Circumference in Miles, which multiplied by the Mile of 5280 Feet then divided by 360,000 Degrees obtains an Earth Year of 365.2226319…

The 1925 is 1,107.6750578703… x 1.73787428571…the Long Geographical Royal Cubit that multiplied by 0.7 = 1.216512 the Roman Remen The 1,107.6750578703…x 20,736 = 22,968,750 which is 4,350.14204545…Miles of 5280 Feet and 4,350.14204545…is 2,893.518518….Greek Cubits of 1.50340909…To be brief, this 2,893.518518…is the below 1,949.50810185185…x 1.4842300556…that multiplied by 1225 = 1,818.1818…due to the cyclic 18 within there are options galore, hence I leave this as is, for perusal, other than to indicate that 1,818.1818…x 11 = 20,000

The 20,736 being an increased 2.0736 a Cubit attributed to Sir Isaac newton and 2.0736 will obtain: 41,472, 62,208, 82,944, 10,368, 145,152, 165,888, 24883.2, 4,561,920,000, 72,576, 912,384, 93,312,000, 11,404,800, and so on, all Units of Measure, Musical Scales “numbers” and so on

The 1925 is 708.912037037…x 2.715428571…the Astronomical Megalithic Yard The 708.912037037…x 0.975015183673…= 691.2 the Roman Stade, the 0.975015183673…x 1225 = 1,194.3936 which divided by the Arabian Hashimi  Foot of  1.064448 then multiplied by the 1925 = 2,160,000 options galore

The 1925 is 1,949.50810185185…x 0.987428571…the Roman Polar Foot {Tropical} The 1,949.50810185185…is exactly 1,644.8974609375 x 1.185185… the Musical Scale Pythagorean Minor Third {32:27} the 1,644.8974609375 multiplied by the 16th PWS member 2,048 = 3,368,750 that divided by the British Admiralty Nautical Mile of 6080 Feet then multiplied by the 399 days for Jupiter then by the 13th PWS member 1536 obtains exactly 339,570,000 which is 1,155,000 x  294 Gem: Church and the 1,155,000 is 600 x 1,925

The prior 44.1 x 6.666…= 294 Gem: Church the 44.1 x 20 = 882 Gem: City of god the 44.1 x 26.666…= 1176 Gem: Only/begotten Son, likewise Pi minus a reduced  0.1176 then multiplied by 1,000 = 3,023.9926535…tolerable as 3024 Feet the GP base perimeter and 3,023.9926535…x 1.904761…= 5,759.9860068…tolerable as 5760 the GP height in Inches {480 Feet} The 1.904761… I am certain the reader appreciates that the cyclic number 6 within the calculation 44.1 x 6.666…= 294 in addition the 44.1 x 26.666…= 1176 determines additional Units of Measure

The 1.904761…multiplied by Gem: Simon Peter 1925 = 3,666.666…a cyclic number 6 yet again and 3,666.666…x 3 = 11,000 hence ample scope and yet 3,666.666…is 1.777…x 2,062.5 and this is, obviously 100 x  20.625 which I regard as the Cubit of old, since 20.625 x 279.2727…= 5760 the GP height in Inches 279.2727…being, amongst numerous options, 162.539682…Egyptian Cubits of 1.71818…otherwise 243.809523……Egyptian Feet of 1.14545…The 162.539682…is 51.428571…x 3.160493827…the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} and 51.428571…x 76.8 = 3,949.714285…the Earth Polar Radis in Miles which is 37.8787…x 104.2724571428…the Outer Diameter in Feet of the Stonehenge Sarsen Circle, and 37.8787…x 399 = 15,113.6363…which is 30.158730…Greek Stades {500 ft.} of 501.13636…The 6th PWS member is 768, there is much to be gleaned via the PWS as to why it seems to have been neglected is quite unusual to me, yet each to their own is my motto.

The 30.158730…being exactly 29.6875 x 1.015873…the Eye of Horus fraction that multiplied by 1.25 = 1.269841…the GP Tan {480:378} hence the GP Tan of 1.269841…x 2.4888…= 3.160493827…the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} Additional on this interconnection presently, since the 2.4888…multiplied by the 51.428571…= 128 that multiplied by 364.5 = 46,656 the Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard, likewise the Plato-Timaeus “Whole” The 16th PWS member 2048 reduced to 204.8 x 29.6875 = 6,080 which is the British Admiralty Nautical Mile. The Stonehenge Sarsen Circle Outer Diameter of 104.2724571428…Feet divided by the 51.428571…obtains exactly 2.02752 which is twice 1.01376 the shorter value Greek Foot

There is much more besides, since the 279.2727…x 1.375 = 384 the 1st PWS {Plato’s World-Soul} member hence 279.2727…will obtain 768, 1152, 1536, 1920, 2304, 3072, 3456, 4608, 5760, 6144, 6912, 8064, 8216, 10368 all PWS members otherwise Units of Measure . The 10368 being the 36th and final PWS member Yet the 10368 multiplied by its position within the list of PWS members namely number 36 = 373,248 that plus 36 = 373,284 and the Square Root of this is 610.9697210173…the length in Feet of the GP Apothem {GP Apex to base-side centre} The 373,284 being 516,168 minus 142,884 which is 378 x 378 half of the GP base-side length, the Square Root of 516,168 being 718.44832799582…which is the GP Quoin length {GP Apex to a base corner} Hence there being an undeniable GP–PWS connection


As indicated prior, regarding the Planets, the time interval between one opposition and the next is about 780 days for Mars, 399 days for Jupiter, and 378 days for Saturn. The 378 x 8 = 3024, otherwise 378 x 960 = 362,880, the 960 is twice 480 Feet the GP height, which is 5760 Inches, Gem Eagle, Pneuma {Breath} is 576 that divided by 567 = 1.015873…this is the Eye of Horus fraction {64:63} and so on

Multiplying all the PWS members by their number position within the PWS list likewise produces additional PWS members similarly Units of Measure, for example, the 35th member is 9216 accordingly 9216 x 35 = 322,560 this is the GP 3024 x 106.666…which is 60 x 1.777…which is the Square Root of  3.160493827…the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction, which, as I will soon demonstrate is a ratio of the GP Tan {480:378} the Eye of Horus fraction {64:63} the Musical Scale Pythagorean Limma {256:243} the ancient Comma of Pythagoras {531,441:524,288} that illustrates the entire are seamlessly linked Otherwise, the 322,560 minus the 36th Member 10368 increased to 103680 twice obtains 115,200 the 10th PWS member being 1152 likewise the longer Egyptian Foot is 1.152, subsequently 115,200 minus 63360 = 51,840 the 27th member is 5184 and this 51,840 is 10368 x 5. The Greek Furlong is 633.6, the 51,840 minus 31,104 = 20736 although twice 10368  a Cubit attributed to Sir Isaac Newton being 2.0736.

The 31,104 being the Platonic 25,920 x 1.2, then again, 31,104 is 3 x 10368 and so it continues and as mentioned the identical “number-producing” procedure applies to all PWS members since the 1st PWS member 384 x 27 = 10368, the 2nd member 432 x 24 = 10368, the 3rd member 486 x 21.333…= 10368 and the 21.333…multiplied by the 17th PWS member 2,187 = 46,656, not merely the Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard,  PWS {Plato’s World-Soul} is a list of  numbers alluded to by Plato within “Timaeus” {The Dialogues of Plato} I calculated there to be 36 members of the list that Plato alludes to within “Timaeus” since he declares the Creator fashioned the “World-Soul” via extracting portions from the “Whole” in addition to, when completed there being a surplus in the ratio: 256:243 obviously the Musical Scale: Pythagorean Limma {256:243}. Plato never mentions the exact “Number” of the “Whole” however I calculated it to be 46,656 which in modern days is the Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard in addition to the number 46,656 is much, much more than simply the Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard, for example it is the 10368 x 4.5


The Maya Pyramid of the Sun denoted as: POS

The Maya STU  that I calculated as indicated within part {1} being 41.714285…the Maya Temple steps being 364 the GP base-side length of 756 Feet is 9072 Inches, the GP base perimeter being 3024 Feet hence a base area of 756 x 756 = 571,536 Square Feet. The GP height being 480 Feet otherwise 5760 Inches

The POS base side length being 733.2 Feet, with a POS height of 233.6 Feet, the Maya First Sun being 676 The 233.6 x Pi = 733.8760438…that minus 0.676 = 733.2000438…tolerable as 733.2 Feet The 733.2 divided by Pi = 233.384808549…that plus 0.216 = 233.600808…tolerable as the POS  233.6 Feet

The GP 756 x 2 x Cos. = 1.6180339887498948482045868343656…Phi

The GP 480 Sine: x 2 = 1.73205080756…this is the √3

 The GP volume being 756 x 756 x 480 ÷ 3 = 91,445,760 Cubic Feet

The 91,445,760 = 9562.727644349…this divided by the GP base perimeter of 3024 = 3.16227766016… this is √2 x √5 hence √5 + 1 ÷ 2 = 1.61803398874989…this is Phi accordingly Phi is within the GP we merely need to locate it The “number” 91,445,760 Cubic Feet contains 91…144…576 the Maya Temples with 91 steps on each of their four sides obtains 91 x 4 = 364 that added to the top platform itself counted as 1 = 365, this is Gem Abraxas and Mithras, both Solar “gods”

Hence 91,445,760 divided by 364 = 251,224.615384…this multiplied by Gem: Founder of the City 1225 then by the Maya 260 = 80,015,040,000 this is the Maya Long Count of 1,360,800 x 58,800 that is 11.13636…Miles of 5280 Feet The 11.13636… multiplied by 110 = 1225 The ancient much-employed number:54 x 11.13636…= 601.3636…the Greek Stade {600 ft} otherwise 11.13636…x 31.4081632653061224…= 349.77272…as we see prior and the 31.40816326530612244… multiplied by Gem: Divine Circle” 1225 obtains exactly 38,475 which is Gem: Simon Peter” 1925 x 19.987012…that multiplied by 378 = 7,555.0909…which is exactly 21.6 x 349.77272

Then again, this 7,555.0909…x 0.4 = 3,022.03636…that added to 1.9636…= 3024 Feet, the GP base perimeter, the 1.9636 …x 5.671296296…= 11.13636…And the 5.671296296…multiplied by exactly 16,124,313.6 obtains 91,445,760 the GP volume and 16,124,313.6 is the Platonic Precession Cycle of 25920 x 622.08 a Musical Scales “number” otherwise the Seconds in 24 Hours 86,400 multiplied by the 5.671296296…= 490,000 which divided by the 622.08 = 787.6800411…that multiplied by 27,216 = 21,437,500 which is Gem: Simon Peter” 1925 x 11136.3636…the 27,216 being 25,920 x 1.05

Please recall I mentioned the cyclic digits within “numbers” and their absolute, faultless interconnectivity to additional Units of Measure, hence I will cease this long section via the following: Initially 2,375.044044…is Pi x 755.99999934… tolerable as the GP base-side length of 756 Feet, likewise 755.99999934…is 1.575 x 479.99999958… tolerable as the GP height of 480 Feet  The 2,375.044044…multiplied by the powerful number 3 =  7,125.132132…that multiplied by the familiar 666 = 4,745,338 which is Gem: Lord Jesus Christ” 3168 x 1,497.89709595…that multiplied by the Platonic Precession Cycle of 25,920 = 38,825,492.7272…which is 67,790.5428571…Egyptian Stades {500 ft.} of 572.7272…

The 67,790.5428571…is the Schooldays Pi {22:7} of 3.142857…x 21,569.71818…which is 12,553.804232… Egyptian Cubits of 1.71818…accordingly this 12,553.804232…multiplied by the 399 days for Jupiter obtains  5,008,967.888…that is 120,077.99733637…Maya STU of 41.714285…Subsequently this 120,077.99733637 …divided by the commencing 2,375.044044…= 50.5582191780…that multiplied by the Maya 18.980 obtains exactly 959,595 which is the Metonic Cycle 19 multiplied by exactly 50,505 and so on


Please recall that prior I wrote: “Any Units of Measure that contain the digits: 124578 in any order are guaranteed to be ratios of additional Units of Measure that contain the digits: 124578 in any order, the identical applies to other cyclic digits such as: 09…18…36…45…54 and so on”  Therefore, it is impossible to exhibit every one of the Units of Measure that can be attained because of this mathematical principle, however I will indicate a few of the interconnections, since I am convinced, the reader is more than capable of finding additional. The equivalent applies to cyclic digits even lengthier, such as the prior indicated 50.5582191780…that contains a cyclic 82191780.

Equally exactly 80,218,610.9729544963 ÷ 99 ÷ 364 x 41.714285…x 5130 ÷ 1872000 ÷ 81 obtains 3.14159265358979323846…which is Pi correct to 20 decimal places

Next 2 ÷ Phi x Pi x 233.6 ÷ 0.3 plus 0.264 = 3,023.9995909…that multiplied by 1.904761…= 5,759.9992209…both tolerable as the GP 3024 and 5760. The 0.264 x 20,000 = 5280 Feet, the Mile, otherwise Gem: Simon Peter” 1925 is 0.264 x 7,291.666…I have witnessed the number 0.7291666…discussed on various occasions within the Graham Hancock Internet {Mysteries} Forum, of which I am a member of , therefore this 7,291.666…x 2.52781714285…= 18,432 another number I  have witnessed being discussed and this  2.52781714285…is 1.0156408163265…x 2.4888…yet another discussed number The 1.0156408163265…multiplied by Gem: Founder of the City 1225 obtains exactly 1,244.16 that multiplied by 20 = 24,883.2 which is the NC {Numerical Canon} Earth mean Circumference in Miles {I indicate why I employed 1225 shortly}

The 18,432 is the GP base perimeter of 3024 Feet multiplied by 6.095238…which is 1.9285714…x 3.160493827…the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} The Maya STU of …multiplied by the GP base perimeter of 3024 Feet obtains exactly 126,144 that reduced to 1261.44 minus the 1,244.16 = 17.28 Otherwise, 1261.44 ÷ 1,244.16 = 1.013888…that multiplied by 230.4 = 233.6 Feet the POS {Pyramid of the Sun} height The GP alleged King’s Chamber Wall height being 230.4 Inches otherwise 19.2 Feet, the 18th PWS member is 2304 the 1st member 384. is 19.2 x 20


The digits 124578 as a cyclic in any order indicated by the following

The 1.9285714…x 21.629629…= 41.714285…the Maya STU to be brief as feasible, this 21.629629…is 13.03571428…x 1.6592592…The 13.03571428…is 12.9616477272…x 1.00571428…the conversion ratio Long to Short Units of Measure {176:175} and the 12.9616477272…is 11.315724206349…Egyptian Feet of 1.14545…and the 11.315724206349…multiplied by the Greek Cubit of 1.52064 = 17.20714285…that multiplied by 336 = 5,781.6 this is the GP height of 5760 Inches plus 21.6, the 336 x 9 = 3024 Feet the GP base perimeter, likewise the breath-taking Grand Gallery literally entombed within the GP is 336 Inches in height otherwise 28 Feet

There is a cyclic 206349 within the 11.315724206349…The conversion ratio Long to Short Units of Measure {176:175} of 1.00571428…will obtain: 1.056, 21.12, 3168, 5068.8, 5280, 633.6, 7.04, 7.6032, 1.01376 at this point I will cease since whilst this longer Greek Foot of 1.01376 is attainable the proverbial Units of Measure floodgates are open, equally all the numbers are actual Units of Measure.

Otherwise, 13.03571428…is 12.001525673400…Assyrian/Germanic {Canonical} measure of 1.0861714285…and the 12.001525673400…{that contains a cyclic 673400} multiplied by the 399 days of Jupiter then by the Maya 5256 then by the Arabian Hashimi Foot of 1.064448 obtains exactly 26,791,014.6 which is exactly 642,250.35 Maya STU of 41.714285….and this 642,250.35 is Gem Abraxas, Mithras, both Solar “gods” namely 365 x 1,759.59 that multiplied by the Maya Long Count of 1,360,800 obtains exactly 2,394,450,072 this is the GP volume of 91,445,760 multiplied by exactly 26.184375 that multiplied by the very commencing 13.035714285…obtains exactly 341.33203125 that multiplied by 182.85714…= 62,415 which is the prior 642,250.35 divided by exactly 10.29 one of the Carnac {France} Menhirs contains 1029 Menhirs which is 3.5 x 294 Gem: Church” and 294 obtains Gem 882 City of god Gem 1176 Only/begotten Son also 294 x 6 = 1764 and 294 x 0.8 = 235.2 a GP measurement, so on and so forth

The 182.857142…x 2,867.2 = 524,288 a Comma of Pythagoras {531,441:524,288} component, this being a cause of my writing prior: “Therefore, it is impossible to exhibit every one of the Units of Measure that can be attained”

The prior mentioned 1.904761…x 1.6592592…= 3.160493827…the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} which is 2.4888…x 1.269841…the GP Tan {480:378} that is 1.25 x 1.015873…the Eye of Horus fraction {64:63} hence all these are perfectly interconnected Due to the cyclic 592 within the: 1.6592592…this multiplied by the Platonic Precession Cycle: 25,920 = 43,008 which is the Maya Temple steps 364 x 118.153846…that multiplied by the Maya 260 = 30,720 this is 10 x 3072 the 21st PWS {Plato’s World-Soul} member, likewise 3072 is the 2.4888…x 1,234.285714…which is 10 x 123.428571…the distance from Stonehenge to Lundy Island Centre in Miles, that is 1.18371212…x 104.2724571428…the Stonehenge Sarsen Ring Outer Diameter in Feet

The 1.18371212…x 399 x 5280 = 2,493,750 which is the Maya Long Count of 1,360,800 x 1.83256172839…that multiplied by 46,656 = 85,500 and this is 2,049.65753424…Maya STU of 41.714285…The Maya 18,980 multiplied by this 2,049.65753424… will obtain exactly  38,902,500 that is exactly 6,398.4375 x 6,080 Feet the British Admiralty Nautical Mile and 6,398.4375 multiplied by the 6th PWS member 768 = 4,914,000 this is 930.68181…“Land” Miles of 5280 Feet and 930.68181…is 541.666…Egyptian Cubits of 1.71818…

The 541.666…is 520 x 1.041666…which is the conversion factor Greek to Roman Units of Measure: 25:24 otherwise the 541.666…is exactly 304.6875 x 1.777…which is the Square Root of 3.160493827…the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} and the 304.6875 x 2.392615384… = 729 which is the Square Root of 531,441 a Comma of Pythagoras {531441:524288} component the 2.392615384…multiplied by the Maya First Sun 312 obtains exactly, 746.496 which, for example is 633.6 plus 101.376 plus 11.52 The Greek Furlong is 633.6 the longer Greek Foot is 1.01376, the longer Egyptian Foot is 1.152. The 729 multiplied by the Pythagorean Limma of 1.0534979423831…obtains the prior indicated 768 the 6th PWS member.

The 46,656 being the Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard, likewise the “Whole” within Timaeus via which the Creator {Plato’ terminology} extracted portions from to fashion the World-Soul. When completed there being a surplus in the ratio 256:243 which is the Musical Scale Pythagorean Limma of 1.0534979423831…which is one-third of 3.160493827…the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} hence there are additional interconnections. Especially since the Comma of Pythagoras {531441:524288} of exactly 1.0136432647705078125 multiplied twice by the Pythagorean Limma of 1.053497942386831…obtains exactly 1.125 which is one-eighth of 9 in addition, clearly much more than simply one-eighth of 9. Since 1.125 x 5,120 = 5760 the GP height, the 4th PWS member is 512 the 5th member is 576, likewise Gem Eagle, Pneuma {Breath} is 576 which is 567 x 1.015873… the Eye of Horus fraction {64:63}


As mentioned regarding the Planets, the time interval between one opposition and the next is about 780 days for Mars, 399 days for Jupiter, and 378 days for Saturn. The 378 x 8 = 3024, The 780 is 3 x 260, the 260 is 378 x 0.687830…that multiplied by the 399 = 274.444…which is 6.190476…x 44.333…The 6.190476…is 1.9587053571428…x 3.160493827… the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} and the 1.9587053571428…x 2,016.4923076…= 3,949.714285… the Earth Polar Radius in Miles and the 2,016.4923076…x 260 = 524,288 this being a Comma of Pythagoras component {531441:524288}

The 1.9587053571428…x 53.23539692307…= 104.2724571428… the Stonehenge Sarsen Circle Outer Diameter in Feet the 53.23539692307…x 260 = 13,841.2032 which is the Earth Polar Radius in Feet of 3,949.714285…x 3.5043555…The Sarsen Circle Inner Diameter of 97.32096 Feet is 3.5043555…x 27.7714285…that is 0.665753424…Maya STU of 41.714285…This 0.665753424…multiplied by the Maya 18,980 = 12,636 which is the GP base perimeter of 3024 Feet multiplied by 4.17857142…and this multiplied by 448,000 will regain the Maya Earth Year {1,872,000 ÷ 5,130} component of 1,872,000 The 448,000 x 204.12 = 91,445,760 the GP volume, the distance from Stonehenge to Glastonbury being 204,120 Feet

The Maya 260 increased to 2600 minus 96.7 = 2,503.3 x 3 x 364 x 44.333…= 121,189,759.6 that and the 44.333…plus 189.2666…= 233.6 the POS height, the 189.2666…x 30 = 5678  Otherwise,  189.2666…x 48 = 9,084.8 that minus 12.8 = 9072 the GP 756 x 12 Likewise, the 44.333…is 1.777…x 24.9375 that multiplied by 256 = 6,384 that minus the GP base perimeter of 3024 Feet obtains 3,360 that multiplied by 0.9 = 3024

Accordingly, via a slight alteration to the exact 2,503.3 we can obtain 2,503.2999504355459259033859216444…otherwise via removing the decimal point likewise increasing the numbers employed with it, the identical products will emerge We could settle for exactly 121,189,757.2 divided by the Maya STU of 41.714285…then divided by the GP base area of 571,536 = 5.083203692…which is Phi x Pi correct to 9 decimal places given that Phi x Pi = 5.0832036923152…

Then again via inserting a cyclic 649 we find that : 121,189,757.200485649649… divided by the Maya STU of 41.714285…then divided by the GP base area of 571,536 =  5.0832036923152598…at this time we have obtained Phi x Pi correct to 16 decimal places The 121,189,757.200485649649…multiplied by exactly 171,428.4 obtains exactly 20,775,366,173,267.7341424 the 171,428.4 being 666 x 257.4 and this multiplied by 1,866.666…= 480480 obviously the GP 480 Feet multiplied by 1001 and the 1,866.666…x 3 = 5,600 the Aubrey Holes increased

The 20,775,366,173,267.7341424 being the Maya Long Count of 1,360,800 x 15,267,023.9368516….that multiplied by the Maya 260 reduced to 0.00026 x 2 x Pi = 24,940.640525…which minus 38.4 = 24,902.240525…a tolerable Earth Equatorial Circumference in Miles which is 68.1818…x  365.23286104…a tolerable Earth Year Whereas the Maya 5130 x 3 x Phi x 24,901.5430868…which is 68.1818…x 365.2226319…hence a slight difference, obviously the 68.1818…x 5280 = 360,000 Degrees and due to the cyclic 18 within there is much more to the 68.1818…than simply: 360,000 Degrees divided by the Mile of 5280 Feet

Therefore, via employing the commencing {now abridged} 2,503.29995043…we find that

The 2,503.29995043…x 3 x 364 x 44.333…= 121,189,757.20048564936483471923865…this we abridge to read as: 121,189,757.2004856…that divided by the Maya Earth Year of 364.9122807017…then by the Maya STU of 41.714285…= 7,961.458298701…which multiplied by Gem 1225 = 9,752,786.415909406…this is the GP base area of 571,536 x 17.064168164…this is 3.356971153846…x 5.083203692315259…which is Phi x Pi

The 3.356971153846…multiplied by Gem: Tree of Life 1625 obtains exactly 5,455.078125 that multiplied by the 9th PWS member 1,024 = 5,586,000 and this, for example, is the POS {Maya Pyramid of the Sun} height of 233.6 Feet multiplied by 23,912.67123287…that multiplied by the Maya 5256 = 125,685,000 which is the Maya Temple steps 364 x 345,288.461538…that multiplied by the Maya 260 = 89,775,000 which is exactly 14,765.625 x 6080 Feet the British Admiralty Nautical Mile and the 14,765.625 x 256 = 3,780,000 obviously the GP 378 and 378 days for Saturn increased

The Gem Abraxas, and Mithras both being 365 the prior 364 Maya Temple steps being 91 steps on each of the four side hence 91 x 4 = 364 that added to the top platform itself counted as 1 = 365 The 121,189,757.2004856…÷  365 = 332,026.7320561…that divided by the Eye of Horus fraction {64:63} of  1.015873… = 326,838.81436…that multiplied by 370.793650…will regain the 121,189,757.2004856And this 370.793650…x 2600 x 3 x 399 = 1,153,984,000 which is 844.444…x 1,366,560 the Maya Super Number  the 844.444…is the commencing 44.333…x 19.047619…which is 6.0267857142… x 3.160493827…the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} which is the Eye of Horus fraction {64:63} of  1.015873… multiplied by 3.111…

And the commencing 189.2666…is this 3.111…x 60.83571428…that is exactly 35.4875 Royal Egyptian Cubits of 1.714285…and the likewise commencing 9,084.8  is 35.4875 x 256 as highlighted prior The GP ratio being 5760 ÷ 3024 = 1.904761…obviously one-tenth of the 19.047619…which multiplied by 56.7 = 1080 the Lunar, Yin-Yang number and this 56.7 multiplied by the Eye of Horus fraction {64:63} of  1.015873…= 57.6

The 6.0267857142…x 8.96 = 54 the much-employed ancient number that multiplied by 20 = 1080 the , Lunar, Yin-Yang number the 8.96 x 337.5 = 3024 Feet the GP base perimeter Or 332,026.7320561…x 63 x 5280 x Pi ÷ 13,939,200 = 24,891.98589…a tolerable Earth Equatorial Circumference, the 13,939,200 is 909.2777…x 15,329.968839…that multiplied by Phi then plus 97.58937062…= 24,901.999999803…that multiplied by the Mile of 5280 Feet then divided by 360,000 Degrees obtains an Earth Year of 365.2293333304…

Whereas the Maya 5130 x 3 x Phi = 24,901.54308686…hence a slight difference since this likewise multiplied by the Mile of 5280 Feet then divided by 360,000 Degrees obtains an Earth Year of  365.22263194…The 97.58937062…multiplied by the Maya 260 = 25,373.23636…which is 43.07185185…Common Egyptian Stades {600 ft.} of 589.0909…and 43.07185185…is exactly 36.341875 x 1.185185…the Musical Scale Pythagorean Minor Third {32:27} The 36.341875 x 153,600 = 5,582,112 that is the GP base perimeter of 3024 Feet multiplied by 1,845.936507…that is 5.05857600732…Maya Earth Years of 364.9122807017…The 13th PWS member being 1536

The 5.05857600732…multiplied by the Maya Long Count of 1,360,800 = 6,883,710.230769…which is the 25,373.2363…x 271.298076923…this multiplied by the Maya First Sun 676 obtains exactly 183,397.5 which is Gem: Tree of Life 1625 x 112.86 that, for example, is 111.328125 Longer Greek Feet of 1.01376 and 111.328125 multiplied by the PWS 4th member 512 = 57,000 which is 3,000 x 19 the Metonic Cycle

The “Sea” Mile of 6080 Feet multiplied by 56,430 = 343,094,400 this is 299,008 x Pi x 365.24219891874… a tolerable Earth Solar Year that multiplied by 360,000 Degrees then divided by the Mile of 5280 Feet obtains an Earth Equatorial Circumference of 24,902.877199005…Miles. The 299,008 is the 512 x 584 the Maya Synodic period of Venus otherwise 299,008 is Gem Abraxas, Mithras 365 x 819.2 the 33rd PWS member is 8192, accordingly the 299,008 divided by the Maya Calendar numbers will obtain ratios of the PWS members.

Likewise. this Pi Earth Year of 365.24219891874…multiplied by the Maya Earth Year of 364.9122807017…then by the Maya 5256 x Pi  will obtain exactly 2,200,770,000 and this will obtain numerous Units of Measure since it is the “Sea” Mile of 6080 Feet multiplied by exactly 361,968.75 which is Gem: Tree of Life 1625 x 222.75 that multiplied by 25.92 = 5,773.68 which is the GP height of 5760 plus 13.68 that is the 6080 divided by 444.444…one-ninth of 4,000.

The 5th PWS member is 576 the 19th PWS member is 2592 that multiplied by the 19 = 49,248 which is Gem 3168 x 15.5454…which is 13.571428….Egyptian Feet of 1.14545…so on and so forth, as I often mention there is no end to the interconnections. Since the 13.571428…is the Maya STU of 41.714285…divided by 3.0736842105…and this multiplied by 19 = 58.4, otherwise the 13.571428…x 14.14736842…= 192 Gem: Mary And 14.14736842….multiplied by the 399 days for Jupiter obtains exactly 5,644.8 which divided by the Greek Cubit of 1.52064 = 3,712.1212…that multiplied by the NC {Numerical Canon} Moon’s mean Radius of 3960 Miles obtains 14,700,000 this is evenly divisible by Gem: 294 Church…882 City of god…1176 Only/begotten Son and much more besides such as 1764 and so on

On the other hand, this 5,644.8 divided by the Arabian Hashimi Foot of 1.064448 obtains 5,303.0303…that multiplied by 17,244.0576 = 91,445,760 the GP volume and the 17,244.0576 is 1.512 x 11,404.8, the Shorter Greek Cubit is 1.512, the NC Moon’s mean Diameter is 11,404,800 Feet The question mark being, exactly how, likewise wherefore are every one of these “numbers” and more than, utterly, impeccably interconnected, I am capable to point out the interconnectedness, however regarding the solution codified by whom otherwise when or else why I can simply conjecture, I retain my concepts, however they are no more than concepts.

Returning to the {abridged} 121,189,757.2004856

The 121,189,757.2004856…divided by the Maya Earth Year of  364.9122807017…= 332,106.546174…this being the prior 909.2777…x 365.24212324… a tolerable Earth Solar Year that multiplied by 360,000 Degrees then divided by the Mile of 5280 Feet obtains an Earth Equatorial Circumference of 24,902.872039…Miles

{Prior I wrote “13,939,200 is 909.2777…x 15,329.968839”}

Exactly 1,686,920 ÷ 260 ÷ 11 x Pi x 24,902.872039…x 2.6262…÷  STU x 2 x Pi  ÷ 733.2 =  24,896.512635404… another Earth Equatorial Circumference The 24,902.872039… multiplied by the Mile of 5280 Feet then divided by 360.000 Degrees obtains an Earth Solar Year of 365.242123244…Or 24,896.512635404…÷ 733.0127639639… x 733.2 = 24,902.8720394… an Earth Equatorial Circumference that multiplied by the Mile of 5280 Feet then divided by 360.000 Degrees obtains an Earth Solar Year of 365.2421232452…

The 2.6262…x 99 = 260 hence 2.6262…will obtain the Maya Calendar numbers: 312, 364, 676, 18,980, 1366,560, 1,872,000 and so on The 733.0127639639…x 666 =  488,186.5008 which is the GP height of 5760 x 84.7546008333…that is exactly 47.67446296875 x 1.777…the Square Root of 3.160493827…the Rhind Papyrus fraction {256:81} and the 47.67446296875 this multiplied by the 4th PWS member 512 = 24,409.32504 that added to 492.752 = 24,902.07704 The 492.752 being 101.376 plus 101.376 plus 290 that multiplied by 0.4 x Pi = 364.42474781…whereas the Maya Earth Year is 364.9122807…hence a difference, albeit since we employ actual Pi, it is modest.

There are essays within this website regarding the Maya Standard Teotihuacan Unit, however this essay contains additional data by indicating the Stonehenge connection along with Units of Measure employed by various cultures within various areas. Likewise, connections to the Maya Calendar, their time-periods etc. Along with the ancient Astronomical Megalithic Yard of 2.715428571…the Ring of Brogar measurements, the Eye of Horus fraction, the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction and much more, since the whole are absolutely, perfectly interconnected Prior to commencing the Great Pyramid of Giza connections to the Maya and additional magnificent monuments the world over it needs be borne in mind that whichever Unit of Measure that contains the number: 124578 in any order is a ratio of other Units of Measure with 124578 within the digits, likewise in any order, therefore the options are numerous. The equivalent applies to whichever cyclic digits within, such as the cyclic numbers: 18…36…09…63…27…72 and so on.

Likewise, as regards the Planets, I indicated prior that the time interval between one opposition and the next is about 780 days for Mars, 399 days for Jupiter, and 378 days for Saturn. The 378 x 8 = 3024, otherwise 378 x 960 = 362,880, the 960 is twice 480 Feet the GP height, which is 5760 Inches, Gem Eagle, Pneuma {Breath} is 576 that divided by 567 = 1.015873…this is the Eye of Horus fraction {64:63} and so on, Gem of ancient numbers along with their significance within ancient eras, are denoted as Gem: Therefore, we commence the exploration of the Maya POS {Pyramid of the Sun } and the GP {Great Pyramid of Egypt} and much more besides

The Maya Pyramid of the Sun denoted as: POS

The GP measurements: Height of 480 Feet or 5760 Inches, base-side length of 756 Feet hence a perimeter of 3024 Feet, The Volume being 91,445,760 Cubic Feet. The GP base area being 571,536 Square Feet The POS measurements: Height: 233.6 Feet, with a base-side length: 733.2 Feet

The GP 756 minus the 733.2 = 22.8 which is 1.2 x 19, the Metonic Cycle otherwise the British Admiralty Nautical Mile of 6080 Feet is 22.8 x 266.666…that multiplied by 5.475 = 1460, the Sothic Cycle and the 5.475 x 1,280 = 7,008 this is Gem: Abraxas, Mithras 365 x 19.2 the Wall height of the GP so-called King’s Chamber is 19.2 Feet that multiplied by 316.666…= 6080. Gem Mary is 192 The 316.666…is 178.125 x 1.777…which is the Square Root of 3.160493827…the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus fraction {256:81} and the 178.125 x 1.3114385964…= 233.6 Feet, the POS height

This 1.3114385964…multiplied by the 399 days for Jupiter obtains exactly 523.264 that is 509.184 plus 14.08 the 509.184 is 502.2727…longer Greek Feet of 1.01376 and the 502.2727…is 395.53977272…x 1.269841… the GP Tan {480:378} the 395.53977272…is 230.208333…Egyptian Cubits of 1.71818…and the 230.208333…multiplied by the Maya 5256 =  1,209,975 which is Gem: Tree of Life 1625 x 744.6 that divided by the Maya Temple 364 steps obtains 2.04560439…that multiplied by the Maya Super Number 1,366,560 = 2,795,441.142857…which is 67,014 Maya STU of 41.714285…Various cultures within various eras venerated a “Tree of Life” as did the Maya and the Maya Long Count of 1,360,800 divided by 1625 then multiplied by Gem: YHWH 26 = 21,772.8 that divided by the Cubic Inches in one Cubic Yard: 46,656 = 0.4666…that is one-third of 1.4

The 67,014 is the GP base perimeter of 3024 Feet, initially increased to 30,240 plus 30,240 plus 3024 plus 3024 plus 486 that multiplied by 11.851851…= 5760 Inches the GP height {480 Feet} this 11.851851…although ten times 1.185185… the Musical Scale Pythagorean Minor Third the 1.185185…multiplied by a much-employed ancient number 54 = 640 the Acres in one Square Mile This is the mode via which the “Numerical Alphabet” creates additional Units of Measure, divide, multiply otherwise whatever by whatever, as it were,  results of advantage will forever emerge since the whole are totally, flawlessly interconnected within the “Numerical Alphabet” that the late, great: John Michell termed a Numerical Canon. Every one of the foregoing “numbers” will be validated and clarified as we progress

Until the next essay

Derek Skhane Copyright © 2006 All Rights Reserved